Tag: grace

What is Grace?

Posted by: in Editorials on March 12th

  Grace is one of those words that we hear over and over again. It is one of those things in the Bible that have become almost commonplace to us. We hear it in the testimonies of others: “By God’s Grace, I am alive today.” We say grace before we eat a meal. There is… View Article


Posted by: in Inspirational on August 31st

Noun | \ ‘ɡrās\ : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance When I was younger, I could never understand the peculiarity of grace. It did not fit in my mind how a person riddled with imperfections could simply be forgiven by a perfect God. It would be nice to say that this inquietude… View Article


Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on April 8th

I have no catchy title or opening line for this article because grace needs no formal introduction. It is in itself something beautiful. It is one of the hardest concepts for some people to grasp but one of the most wonderful realities to behold. Grace, by definition is “the free and unmerited favor of God,… View Article

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