Tag: HectorRobles

Making Time to Make Disciples

Posted by: in Editorials on September 1st

Jesus said, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” This was not a mere statement about His poverty, it was a revelation about His commitment. Jesus committed everything to developing His disciples. He did not seek personal, carnal gain by investing in… View Article

How God Gets Our Attention

Posted by: in Editorials on June 2nd

There are many things people don’t know about the Bible. This is due to the major lack of thorough teaching and education of biblical literacy in our world. Similar to how many people are scared to talk about their vulnerabilities and mistakes, many have overlooked the challenging moments and weaknesses of people in the Bible…. View Article

Freedom of Speech

Posted by: in Editorials on February 10th

We walked by that sick person…again. We felt to pray for them, but we hesitated. What is that secret ingredient that bridges our obedience to the call we feel to make a difference in our world? Many times that ingredient is boldness. Oftentimes, we think boldness is merely represented by being loud, demonstrative, and fearless…. View Article

The Second Coming

Posted by: in Editorials on December 9th

Hebrews 6:1-3, in several translations, reveals to us how there are 6 core, elementary-level teachings of Jesus – two of them have to do with life after death. Let’s look at some terms to help us understand those teachings about life after death: Rapture (AKA catching away): this is when Jesus comes to take His… View Article

It Will Cost You

Posted by: in Editorials on August 26th

Proverbs 23:23 states, “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Oftentimes, we only quote the first half of that verse – when it is important for us to recall that truth by itself cannot save us. Jesus said in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the… View Article

Hot off the Press

Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More

In My Crocs Era

If you’re on social media, then you know that the “In My Era” caption trend has become extremely popular. When… Read More
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