Tag: #RachelSkirvin

Do Not Worry

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on January 6th

Since the beginning of time, man has wondered and worried. It is in our fleshly, fallen nature to do so. Adam and Eve first ate of the fruit in the Garden because they trusted the wrong source and worried they would be wanting if they did not take that first bite. They wanted control, but… View Article

Brand New

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on December 30th

  Have you ever received something really new and shiny? Maybe it was the latest phone or your first car. Brand-new items are untainted, unscathed, and without blemish. Babies, though loud are born without making a mistake. As they grow and change, their humanity becomes apparent and soon, they walk straight into the sinful nature… View Article

Comfort and Joy

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on December 16th

Christmastime is one of the most cherished seasons for many. The lights, the snow, the cozy fireplaces, gifts, and the music are all part of what make up the festivities. There are certain songs that I question, like “Little Drummer Boy.” If I had just given birth in a stable, I do not think that… View Article

Hot off the Press

Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More

In My Crocs Era

If you’re on social media, then you know that the “In My Era” caption trend has become extremely popular. When… Read More
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