The Second Coming

Posted by: in Editorials on December 9th

Hebrews 6:1-3, in several translations, reveals to us how there are 6 core, elementary-level teachings of Jesus – two of them have to do with life after death.

Let’s look at some terms to help us understand those teachings about life after death:

  • Rapture (AKA catching away): this is when Jesus comes to take His Church out of the earth
  • Man of sin (AKA antichrist): the devil will possess a man and partner with him to deceive the world into opposing Jesus Christ
  • Place of torment: the place where the unrighteous go after death before the final judgment
  • Paradise: the place where the righteous go after death before the final judgment
  • Millennium: 1000 years where Jesus will physically reign, with His people, in the earth
  • The Judgment seat of Christ: a judgment of believers
  • Great white throne judgment: a judgment of mankind
  • Lake of fire and brimstone (AKA Gehenna): the place where the unrighteous go after death after the great white throne judgment
  • New heaven, new earth: the place where the righteous go after death before the final judgment

If you notice, there are multiple judgments that the Bible talks about. The best path we can choose is to be born again of water and Spirit according to John 3. This corresponds with Acts 2 which shows us how that consists of being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues.

Don’t worry, there is a list of Scripture references you can use in order to read some more about this.

Below you will see a graph that allows you to see the possibilities of life after death. In fact, there is still A LOT to go through!

Take a look and see how the major events play out.

In summary, being born again and committing to knowing Jesus is the best path.

It’s quite amazing to reflect on Hebrews 6, where it says that the teachings of life after death make up one-third of the elementary, beginner-level teachings of Jesus Christ. So I hope this chart is a blessing to you in order to achieve that.

Surely, the Lord is already beginning to have His grand finale where billions of souls will be baptized in His name and receive His Spirit. It’s happening in every kind of denomination and people group! The light of the glorious gospel is being revealed and we’ve got to be prepared for the times that are coming.

Enjoy the graph and the references provided below.


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Daniel 12:1-3


Man of sin (antichrist)

1 John 2

2 Thessalonians 2

Daniel 7

Revelation 13:5


Place of torment

Luke 16:19-31

Psalm 16

Acts 2:24-27



Luke 16:19-31

Luke 23:43

2 Corinthians 12:3



Revelation 20

2 Timothy 2:11-12

Micah 4:1-3

Isaiah 2:2-4


The judgment seat of Christ

Romans 14:7-10

2 Corinthians 5:9-10

1 Corinthians 3:10-13


Great white throne judgment

Revelation 20

John 5:28-29


Lake of fire and brimstone (Gehenna)

Revelation 19:20

Revelation 14:9-11

Matthew 13:42

Matthew 18:18


New heaven, new earth

Isaiah 65:16-18

Isaiah 66:21-23

2 Peter 3:12-14

Revelation 21



Hector Robles hosts a podcast and bible study channel by the name of Sparrow.Podcast. On a weekly basis, you can find new content regarding the Bible and ministry. He lives and works as an engineer in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, Savannah and they gladly serve at Calvary Apostolic Church.

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