Freedom of Speech

Posted by: in Editorials on February 10th

We walked by that sick person…again.

We felt to pray for them, but we hesitated.

What is that secret ingredient that bridges our obedience to the call we feel to make a difference in our world?

Many times that ingredient is boldness. Oftentimes, we think boldness is merely represented by being loud, demonstrative, and fearless. We picture a lion attacking its contender without hesitation. Scripturally although, boldness is tied to our manner of speech.

The Greek word for boldness is defined as “freedom of speech”.

Freedom of speech is arguably one of the most contended rights of an individual today. We are challenged to be “politically correct” not just in what we say, or how we say it.

The words “I love you” are a big deal. But how somebody says them perhaps means more. Over 50% of our communication is interpreted by how we say our words, whether by inflection, tone, attitude, or behavior. Only 7% of our communication is interpreted by the actual words we use. This has everything to do with being bold!

Are we exercising the liberty of the Holy Spirit in saying to a sick person, “Jesus wants to heal you”, but also saying those words with direct certainty and an inviting compassion. It is important for us to recognize that God has challenged us to hear His voice and say what He has spoken. Jesus lived this way. Yet, if Jesus wants us to lift our voice, we must lift our voice. If Jesus wants us to whisper His words, we must whisper His words.

This is the elevated challenge of His Church. We must not merely attain to the words that God deposits into His people. We must capture the character and the nature behind those words from God.

If we capture the nature and character behind God’s word, we can embody and act on His word.

This is why speaking faith is so important. When we speak it, we are propelled to act it. When we speak words of faith about laying hands on the sick, and them recovering, something takes place in our imagination where we begin to see ourselves stepping out and seeing people healed.

This is how the supernatural works.

In the beginning, God SAID and it WAS – because our words are tied to our actions. We were created in His image and God has given a supernatural design to motivate faith-filled actions by speaking faith-filled words with freedom of speech. We don’t have to be timid when looking at someone in the eye and telling them, “God is about to fill you with the Holy Ghost.” We don’t have to hesitate when walking up to somebody and saying, “God wants to heal you of cancer”.

If God told us to say it, we have a privilege and responsibility to speak it.

How many times has someone quoted something we said, but totally misrepresented how we said it, sometimes to the point where it sounded really bad? In like manner, we can’t let our flesh get in the way of the Holy Spirit where we misrepresent what He says.

Therefore, our boldness is not of ourselves, and not predicated by our humanity, but by His divinity. We have the opportunity to represent Jesus Christ, the Lord of all! We are free to speak what He wants us to say and how He wants us to say it, because it’s His reputation on the line, not ours.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, knowing that He has a word of wholeness for us to freely speak to a broken world. We have what the world needs and is looking for! Be bold, in the name of Jesus!


Hector Robles hosts a podcast and bible study channel by the name of Sparrow.Podcast. On a weekly basis, you can find new content regarding the Bible and ministry. He lives and works as an engineer in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, Savannah and they gladly serve at Calvary Apostolic Church.

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