Tag: youth
Many of us have grown up feeling our value is measured in the flutters we feel from words of affirmation on paper hearts, gathered up in red roses, or melting away in empty boxes of chocolate. But the love on parade during Valentine’s Day should be based on so much more than momentary, flashy displays of affection.
IO: “A Generation of Giants” will be a timeless message for years to come. When, where, and how was that message birthed?
JT: When I was contacted by the GYD to preach Youth Congress, I immediately became concerned as to what kind of message would need to be preached at that particular venue.
Living Separate, Not Secluded
No one wants to be pegged as “that guy” or “that girl.” We all remember “that guy” in elementary school who tried to entertain his fellow classmates with his off color noises, fashioned by his own genius and formed by random body parts. His noise-making talents, though fascinating to him, were only annoying, disturbing, (a slew of adjectives might be inserted here) to his peers.
Happy New Day
Come with me to the city of Acts. I want you to meet someone. We’ll take the subway down to the corner of 7th and 58th to a great deli. Cheesecake’s half a foot tall. After we push back from the deli counter, with full stomachs and empty plates, if you take a look out the window, you can see him.
Glitter and Goals
I love New Year’s celebrations. Everything is so shiny, noisy, and exciting! It’s the one time of the year when it’s totally acceptable to bathe everything in glitter and confetti, hang from the rafters on brightly colored streamers, shoot off fireworks at indecent hours of the night, and run around making as much noise as possible with obnoxious little party horns—and everyone else is cool with it.