Tag: social media
There’s a story that UPCI Superintendent David Bernard has used to illustrate the importance of measuring up what you believe. A man was cutting twenty pieces of lumber so he took a 7′ piece and measured it up to a second piece and made the cut. From that point, he took the second and used… View Article
Learning Not to Share
From the time we were toddlers, our parents, teachers, grandparents, and any other choice adults have pushed the concept of the importance of sharing. “Sharing is caring” and other catchy phrases have inundated our vocabularies since before we could walk. Sharing is so important, but allow me to spin your worldview just a bit. Picture… View Article
When I was in college, I wrote my senior thesis on “The Dark Side of Social Media.” Now, let me preface this by saying I am not against social media by any means. In fact, it’s a huge part of my life. I run five different social media accounts, including my church’s and the national… View Article
See You at the Pole
If you were born in the nineties or before, you were alive for a piece of history you may not even realize. At a high school in a Texas town in 1990, the very first See You at the Pole (SYATP) gathering was held with only ten students in attendance. Since then, despite opposition, the… View Article
Be and Know
To some, the very title of this article may seem fragmented and incomplete, but actually, this sentence is about as concise and complete as they come. In fact, this very sentence was softly spoken into my anxious heart just weeks ago. I had the privilege of being a part of the Arkansas District’s Senior Camp… View Article