Be and Know

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on July 6th

Be and Know
To some, the very title of this article may seem fragmented and incomplete, but actually, this sentence is about as concise and complete as they come. In fact, this very sentence was softly spoken into my anxious heart just weeks ago.

I had the privilege of being a part of the Arkansas District’s Senior Camp in Redfield, Arkansas last month. The services were absolutely incredible, but in all honesty, I was having a slight difficulty connecting the way I would have liked to.

During one particular altar call, I remember dismissing myself from the crowd and finding a secluded spot between the wall and a chair. If I was at a youth camp surrounded by thousands of God-fearing young men and women and could not feel God’s presence, what hope did I have? Negative thoughts flooded in and drowned my mind, but soon a life raft floated my way and escorted me to the shore where the Master was quietly standing.

The introductory words of Psalm 46:10 began to play over and over in my mind. “Be still and know I am God. Be still and know I am God. Be still and know I am God.” As those words, like sweet lyrics, played on repeat in the corridors of my mind, something peculiar began to take place. The verse began to play back to me in different orders. As confusing as it was, I breathed the words quietly until I began to truly grasp what was being conveyed. Instead of “Be still and know I am God,” the words ran back a little more like this: “I am still God; be and know.”

I am by no means misinterpreting the infallible Word of God. I believe what is written is true and unchanging. But this is something that was inescapably dropped into my spirit. “I am still God.” This whole time I had been telling God what was going on and why it didn’t make sense or seem fair. I am void of much understanding, but this is one thing I do know. I was gently reminded that God is still God no matter the circumstance.

In addition to this, the rest of the words of the verse were arranged strategically as well. “Be and know” were uttered like a sweet melody. It seemed strange and grammatically incorrect, but through the tears that were flowing, I began to dig a bit deeper.

According to the dictionary, “be” simply means: “to exist or live; to occupy a specified position or to remain in a certain state or situation untouched or undisturbed.” The instructive definition of the word “know” means, “to perceive directly, grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty or to regard as true beyond doubt.” The last portion of the meaning of “know” really got me—“to regard as true beyond doubt.” Think about that. True beyond doubt.

At the beginning of the summer, I embarked on a cross-country road trip with one of my best friends. We packed the car down with clothes, snacks, camera equipment, and my trusty guitar and headed out to the west. We were having the time of our lives. I say that without exaggeration. It was the best trip I have ever been on. We saw breathtaking mountain ranges, and the captivating beauty of the western coast, and made new friends, and new memories.

The trip was going perfectly, absolutely perfect until Monday, June 8 around 2:30 p.m. We were laughing and talking and blasting our “Great Westward Adventure” playlist. I looked over for one second, and all of the sudden, we were caught in a strong, Idaho wind and rapidly spinning out of control. The last things I remember taking place were the both of us shouting “Jesus” at the top of our lungs, the car flipping three times toward the opposite side of the interstate into oncoming traffic, and a swiftly approaching semi-truck. The vehicle came to an abrupt halt, landing upside down leaving us having to crawl out of the driver’s side window.

My friend and I walked away from that horrifying accident with only some bruises and scrapes. During the petrifying events, I never had one of those “life-flash-before-your-eyes” kind of moments. In an unexplainable sort of way, I knew everything was going to be alright. I was kept calm even in the chaos.

I can also say I was quite composed even after we exited the car. I never cried or panicked. I was at peace. It made no sense both in a positive and a negative way to me at the onset of it all. God spared our lives that day—there is no doubt about that—but I kept wondering and wondering again why He even allowed it to take place. What good can possibly come out of an accident? All I heard amidst my desperate pleas were: “still I am God; be and know.”

Prior to the wreck, I remember struggling riskily with my faith. I admit I had been questioning if this was real. I prayed to God—if He was still out there listening to me—to do a miracle before my very eyes that would leave me unhesitatingly knowing it was Him. He most certainly answered me.

I have no idea why He allows certain things to occur in the manner they do. I cannot put into words why it seems like you are drifting too far out of reach or why it seems like the world is closing in on you. What I can say, what I know to be “true beyond doubt,” is no matter how you feel or what it looks like, you must take the words that were fitfully whispered to me in one of my darkest hours. He is still God. It is our obligation to “be and know.”

Trust Him. He still has the whole world in His hands.

Rachel Thorne was born in Florida and has lived in many places throughout the United States. She is a graduate of Urshan College, formerly known as Gateway College of Evangelism. She wants to make a difference and change her world. Rachel is actively seeking the will of God for her life and is willing to do whatever He has for her.


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