Tag: Sharing

The Absence of Truth

Posted by: in Uncategorized on April 21st

Some of the most hilarious moments you will experience in life are directly connected with instances where communication fails. Nowadays it is easier than ever for communication to break down with the prevalence of texts and emails we send out on a daily basis. Perhaps there is nothing more frightful than sending a text or… View Article

Learning Not to Share

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on September 10th

From the time we were toddlers, our parents, teachers, grandparents, and any other choice adults have pushed the concept of the importance of sharing. “Sharing is caring” and other catchy phrases have inundated our vocabularies since before we could walk. Sharing is so important, but allow me to spin your worldview just a bit. Picture… View Article

Hot off the Press

Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More
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