Tag: Trust

The Beauty in the Storm

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on November 9th

  Just yesterday a storm blew through sunny south Florida. While we have faced multiple storms over the years, there always seems to be a sense of fear that is felt. Water sells out, bread flies off the shelves, schools shut down and there is a whole lot of uncertainty. The day before Eta, I… View Article

Created for Relationships

Posted by: in Relationships on January 23rd

We were created for relationships. They are not optional. Our lives are spent around and within relationships: children are in a relationship with parents, maybe even siblings; students are in a relationship with teachers and fellow students; employees are in a relationship with bosses and co-workers. We develop close friendships and someday may find someone… View Article

Hot off the Press

Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More
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