Tag: career

My AYC Experience

Posted by: in AYC on January 14th

It’s July 19th and I’m walking off of my plane in Nashville, TN. Currently residing in Murfreesboro, TN, the drive home only takes 45 minutes. But it’s not the drive home that I’m excited about, but rather sharing my week-long experience in Washington, D.C. with some of the coolest people on God’s planet. This is… View Article


Posted by: in Uncategorized on March 1st

Ah college! When I think back to those years, I get a rush of memories: Dorm floor activities, late nights, cafeteria food, chapel services, the bell tower, peer advising, instant messaging, water fights, community service, skipping class to sleep in, camping, coffee, more coffee, taking the MCAT, learning to think critically, challenging classes, cherished moments,… View Article


Posted by: in Uncategorized on March 1st

Sadly, many teenagers who are at a pivotal point in their lives are unaware of the existing attack on their minds and the distorted lens es through which they can view the potential. At this point in their lives, teenagers are making critical decisions that will affect and dictate their future. Unfortunately, some students in our churches and youth groups will make choices that will shape their future into a design that is not the original plan God has for them.


Posted by: in Uncategorized on March 1st

January 15, 2009. Exactly six months from today I will be graduating. Throwing my cap in the air and being forever free to live my life as I please. Free. What a scary thought! My palms start to sweat as I think of the future. My head begins to swirl with all the decisions I… View Article

Hot off the Press

Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More

In My Crocs Era

If you’re on social media, then you know that the “In My Era” caption trend has become extremely popular. When… Read More
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