The Secret is Out

Posted by: in Editorials on January 24th

When you meet someone for the first time, it’s always interesting to hear them say, “I’ve heard so much about you!” You don’t know who has told what about you and the next few moments are the greatest cliffhanger of the day. In a similar manner, it’s time for the lost of this world to start hearing about us pressing into the community, impacting it for the glory of God, and others saying to the Church, “We’ve heard so much about you!” This is what happened to the Church in the book of Acts. People of the city would say, “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too” (Acts 17:6). In Acts 5, it was also said of the Church that the whole city of Jerusalem was filled with the doctrine of Jesus Christ!

This is our time.

This is God’s time to be high and lifted in the Earth.

On the morning of the US election, January 20, 2021; my wife and I were praying together on a prayer shift rotation our church was doing when I felt an unusually still atmosphere. I began to inquire of the Lord, wondering why prayer was not as it often felt. He then proceeded to say, “What you are feeling in the spirit is the stillness of the world.” I continued to listen, and He said,

“The world is at a standstill because of the inauguration occurring in their kingdom, not knowing what to expect next. While people stand still and await salvation to come from the White House, even some of My very own servants await salvation from the White House. But this is my Word to My faithful ones, while the world stands still, My Church will move forward. Submit to Me what is in your possession, for the cares and possessions of this life will soon fade away. Stretch yourself toward Me, in the face of opposition, and I will show you the miraculous and you will walk in it. I will harden the hearts of your adversaries that I may give them into your hand. Your adversary is on My leash and I will be exalted above all his strategies. The whole world shall know My Name. My presence will set a divide between you and your enemy and you will live in the light as others live in the darkness. My angel will go before you. My presence behind you. Do not fear. I am with you. Advance, my children.”

I checked in that morning with my Pastor and Bishop and they judged the word as a word from God, as we read in 1 Corinthians 14. I continued to ponder what the Lord had said and was challenged to walk in it that very day.

Working from home, there was a meeting with two of my coworkers. One of them expressed he was dealing with a condition called CNV that was causing his right eye to become partially blind. He had received shots in his eye for it to recover, but it had not been working. I felt the flesh fight to not put “myself” out there, but the Lord helped me and I thought, “This is not my reputation. It’s the Lord’s reputation.” After the video call, I messaged my coworker and asked him if I could video call him and pray for him. He said, “I need all the help I can get.” When I called, I briefly asked him about his condition and he shared some details with me. I said, “I’m going to pray that your eye is healed. It will be just a few seconds.” In a talking, yet authoritative tone of voice, I said, “In the name of Jesus, I speak to this eye that it be healed. I pray for this condition to be reversed and that the blindness would be gone.” We finished praying and I told him to test it right over the video call. He covered his working eye and said, “I can see better!” We prayed a second time for his eye and a virtue started flowing in my apartment as my wife partnered with me. My coworker logged off that day impacted by the power of God and a healing from the Lord.

It is time for you and I to walk into the promised land of making disciples and spreading the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to our whole world, baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ, and seeing them filled with the Spirit of God. It is time to turn our world UPSIDE DOWN!

All the discouragement and anxiety circulating our world is the enemy’s last-ditch efforts to cause the Church to think we don’t have the proper circumstances to reach our world! It is the time! Let’s advance!

It’s our time, Church! No secrets with the gospel! Advance! Be bold!



Hector Robles hosts a podcast and bible study channel by the name of Sparrow.Podcast. On a weekly basis, you can find new content regarding the Bible and ministry. He lives and works as an engineer in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, Savannah and they gladly serve at Calvary Apostolic Church.

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