Category: InsideTech
I have to say I pretty much geeked out when I saw this item. The Nintendo Wii has revolutionized the way we know gaming, and it looks like they are planning to do so again. In the next generation of the Wii, slated to come out in 2010, you have a headset accessory that uses… View Article
Lego Speakers for iPod and iPhone Perpetual Kid is a site that claims to “entertain your inner child”, and they really hit a home run with the iPod Building Block Speakers. These Lego speakers have a connector that is compatible with every iPod, including the iPhone. The speakers evidently run off of the iPod itself,… View Article
Okay. So, we’ve seen dozens of smart phones come and go, but this concept smart phone has one feature that definitely has the potential to become a standard. First of all, The Mooon (Not a spelling error) has a touch screen interface like the iPhone, which is cool, but there are a lot of wannabe… View Article
Asus R700 3D GPS Navigator and Portable Media Player We all know the GPS technology has been around for quite some time, and quite a few of us have either a phone or navigator with GPS on it. The only problem with traveling now, though, is that you have so many devices to look at…. View Article
We are starting to see more and more internet radios out on the market. Well, miRoamer, a popular Internet radio site, and Blaupunkt, a leader in automotive multimedia, has introduced the worldʼs first Internet radio for the car. This is definitely a breakth through in technology. The main question you may ask is “How is… View Article