Category: Books

Book Review: Teen People of the Bible

Posted by: in Books, Our Playlist on May 27th

Book: Teen People of the Bible: Celebrity Profiles of Real Faith and Tragic Failure Author: Daniel Darling Reviewed by: Kara Christian The paparazzi offer distorted glimpses into the humanity of our society’s young celebrities, proclaiming the reality of their faults and failings to the entire world. Likewise, the Bible is filled with undeniably truer accounts… View Article

Book Review: Why We’re Not Emergent

Posted by: in Books, Our Playlist on March 1st

Why We’re Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be) By: Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck Reviewed by: Kara McCool “You can be young, passionate about Jesus Christ, surrounded by diversity, engaged in a postmodern world, reared in evangelicalism, and not be an emergent Christian. In fact, I want to argue that it would be… View Article

Book Review: Crazy Love

Posted by: in Books, Our Playlist on January 1st

By: Francis Chan Reviewed by: Kara McCool “…when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.” (Francis Chan) Only a crazy, inexplicable love could drive Jesus Christ to endure the ultimate torture of Calvary’s cross just so He could spend eternity with sinful, messed up people like us! It doesn’t make rational sense. God… View Article

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Shout Bingo

Judith Brown lived her entire life in the city of Dover, Delaware. For all of my friends out there who… Read More


Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to cry? One of the worst things for me… Read More
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