Category: Inspirational
Have you ever found yourself driving down the highway, knowing you’ll need to turn soon but a little unsure of where or when? You see an exit up ahead and it’s coming fast. Is it the right one? You think so, so at that last moment you swerve to catch it, almost flipping your car… View Article
I can see it now. Your eyebrows are raised, your lips pursed, and your head is tilted slightly to the side in wonder and confusion. You read the title above and already have your preconceived ideas about how this article will unfold. Don’t let the heading scare you away. I promise it will make sense… View Article
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then, the cheering would erupt! So it was every summer as our church van rounded the corner and made its way onto the Florida District campground. Every year from the age of eight to nineteen, I felt butterflies as I thought of the endless possibilities… View Article
The first transatlantic telegraph cable was completely laid out in 1866, made of 340,500 miles of copper and iron wire. It was designed to stretch 2,876.95 miles along the ocean floor. Once that cable was in place, you could use electrical impulses and signal code to send any message you wanted to the other side… View Article
I woke up early on a spring morning and peeked out the window to see a fresh blanket of snow on our lawn. Three short days earlier, we had one glimpse of spring where birds began warming up their voices, and the sun began stretching out its rays. I even broke out my bike and… View Article