Category: Inspirational
See You at the Pole
If you were born in the nineties or before, you were alive for a piece of history you may not even realize. At a high school in a Texas town in 1990, the very first See You at the Pole (SYATP) gathering was held with only ten students in attendance. Since then, despite opposition, the… View Article
When you were young and your mom told you to clean your room, most of the time your response probably wasn’t exactly joyful. Some refuse, others might inform her that it’s already clean, even more probably head off to the room to shove things under beds and into closets in an effort to point to… View Article
Be and Know
To some, the very title of this article may seem fragmented and incomplete, but actually, this sentence is about as concise and complete as they come. In fact, this very sentence was softly spoken into my anxious heart just weeks ago. I had the privilege of being a part of the Arkansas District’s Senior Camp… View Article
We are told all the time that we were made to stand out. We are told if we blend in, we will lose our impact and sacrifice our ability to reach people. We strive to be identified as “one of a kind” with unique abilities and strengths that few others would dare to approach. We… View Article
If seeking after God becomes optional, then living for God will also become optional. We must choose to be a generation that is committed to seeking after God. We are thankful for the following recent report sent in from Iowa youth president, Nate Kennedy. Every year as Iowa winter ends in May, the Apostolic youth… View Article