What’s On Your Mind?

I recently took a break from Facebook. I just needed some time to reconnect to other things.
When I hopped back on, I could not read beyond one of the first questions we see on our feeds: ‘What’s on your mind?’ I sat there for a moment and thought about what really was on my mind. I quickly dashed those thoughts as I looked down and saw friends having babies, posting vacation pictures, uploading honeymoon pictures, and suggestions for home improvement projects. Whatever thoughts that were on my mind when I opened my app before that quickly escaped. I scrolled back up to a few stories and encountered the same question: What’s on your mind? This time I thought about it. It didn’t matter what was on my mind; I just wanted to be entertained and distracted for a moment.
I work in the customer service industry, which is governed by federal regulations. And I can’t help but laugh when people come to my job and tell me their interpretations of those regulations and laws. And the only thing that keeps me smiling in those moments is realizing that they are rationalizing with the heart and not the mind. The Bible says to keep your heart, and other translations would say watch your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life. 99.9% of the time, the people I see or have conversations with about their interpretation of federal regulations are not in a good space in life; their back is against the wall. When our backs are against the wall, we get desperate, the logic goes out the window, and we become reactionary people. Reactions are not based on anything more than emotions or feelings.
The people I see at work, most of them do not know the peace, assurance, and hope I have in Jesus. They see themselves as the provider, and they do not know what it is to rest easy at night, knowing everything is going to be alright. There is so much negativity and chaos in the world, it is so easy to adopt a depressive mindset as soon as we walk into the world.
Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The Bible also warns us of the wickedness of our hearts. Isaiah encourages us to keep our minds stayed on Jesus.
Proverbs 4:23 says: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. It’s so crazy to think that, our issues in life flow from our hearts. Logically speaking, we form words with our brains and our brains process the information, not our hearts.
Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about things that are of a good report, that are true, that are lovely. Science shows that the heart and the mind communicate with one another; it’s called intuition. If our hearts and minds are not on the same page, our communication is going to be off. Just like our heart communicates with our minds, we should be able to communicate to ourselves when we get overwhelmed and our thoughts try to get the best of us. We should plead the blood of Jesus over our hearts and minds, our desires, and our finances. This way when the question is asked what’s on our minds our response will be Jesus.
God is our provider, our healer, our waymaker, our peacekeeper, and our light in the darkness. His word is a lamp unto our feet, He makes ways where there seems to be no way. Our minds process thousands of thoughts a minute; if we do not stop for a moment or two throughout the day to redirect those thoughts, they can quickly get away from us.
2 Corinthians 10:5 says to captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. Let’s strive not to let our minds get the best of us and let us strive to be right-minded in all we do and what we think as we navigate this wonderful adventure called life. Submit your thoughts to God and watch Him change your perspective.
Simone loves to pretend to travel (Covid has completely stopped ALL her travel plans, which has allowed her to slow down and get a quarantine puppy. His name is Dudley Charles! She is a huge encourager and has a big heart. She is passionate about the things of God and His people. She also enjoys hanging out with friends and chasing fun adventures.