The Posture of Persistence

Posted by: in Uncategorized on May 25th

If you have ever had the opportunity to be around a young child for a long period of time, you know when they want something—because they are adamant about it. This is especially true for those little ones who have not yet mastered the art of walking. Once the child has their crawl down perfect, they are—in their minds—unstoppable.

Once they could only shed tears and hope their cries were understood, but now they have the ability to go after what they want. On hands and knees they press toward their mark. Crawling is not always the option they would like. Most would love to easily walk to what they need or want, but when crawling is their only method, then crawl they must. How many rewards come from doing something that requires no effort whatsoever?

Children are such wonderful examples when it comes to persistence. Matthew 19:14 beautifully illustrates the notion of this childlike faith. “Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come unto Me…” Some walk, some crawl, some are carried, but no matter the method, they always get there. With childlike faith, they progress toward their mark, unsure of the next step, but sure that they will make it to Him. Sometimes they fall, sometimes things and people get in their way, but they become hungry enough that no failure, no person, and no situation will get in their way.

It may sound foolish, but in a way, we never grow out of this childish stage. This concept is still relevant with young people and adults. How many times have you been knocked down to your knees and wondered how you could ever get up again? You have been forced into a position, in which you cannot imagine having the strength to move. Though you were struggling to find an answer, your answer was waiting at the end of your struggle.

The woman with the issue of blood in Luke chapter eight had to crawl and pull herself through the pain until she received her touch. She was so desperate for her miracle that she was willing to do anything it took. She lowered herself in into a position of complete brokenness and made her way to Jesus. She did not care who was watching her. She did not care who stood in her way. She moved through the crowd, unfazed by their scoffing, and did whatever it took to get to her Savior. On hands and knees, she pressed through to simply touch the hem of His garment. Things changed for her when she put aside everything in her life and made Him her focus. When we get radical enough, we can and will put everything else aside and realize what is most important.

In today’s society, it is hard to become focused on a thing you cannot physically see. With technology, friends, and our busy lifestyles, we often forget what is essential until we are knocked down. Whatever situation you are in—whether good or bad—remember to establish yourself in a position where you make time to connect with the only one who can make everything right. Keep progressing, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel. Whatever method you must take to get closer to Him, let it be done. Crush the idols. Crush the confusion. Silence the voices of the crowd. Keep your center of attention on Him. If you are in the darkest place, or if you feel like you are on top of the world, remember that God is on your side. Do not give up fighting. Establish your posture of persistence, and whether it is a walk or a feeble crawl, you are going to make it. If you just keep moving.

Rachel Thorne was born in Florida and has lived in many places throughout the United States. She is currently attending Urshan College, formerly known as Gateway College of Evangelism. She wants to make a difference and change her world. Rachel is actively seeking the will of God for her life and is willing to do whatever He has for her.

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