The Great Unknown

Posted by: in Uncategorized on September 2nd

Have you ever wondered, “What is my purpose?” “Where is my life headed?” “Is what I’m currently pursuing God’s perfect will for my life?” We all ask these questions. In pursuit of God’s will and our personal goals, there comes a time when we question the future and if we are in the right place at the right time. When God calls us, there is a direct transfer of passion from His heart to ours. Reflecting His passions and desires, the future may demand personal sacrifice, but do not fear the unknown.

Consider the story of Moses.  When God spoke to him through the burning bush, his first response to God’s call was typical to us in our humanity—resistant. Moses hid his face and was afraid to look upon God. In Exodus 3:10, God called Moses saying, “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.” However, Moses questioned his ability and what the children of Israel would think of him. Despite Moses’ doubts, God made it clear He would be faithful through it all.

Like Moses, many of us have heard the call of God and have been chosen to do great works for the Kingdom. Although the call is present in our lives, we question our ability and worry about the perspectives of others.  All the while, God continues to beckon us.  If Moses would have rejected God’s call or continued questioning, the children of Israel may not have escaped the bondage of Egypt, and history would have been forever changed. Thankfully, Moses accepted the call.

God rarely reveals the future to us, but we must not fear what is ahead. For those who have been called and chosen for a specific purpose, there is a great unknown ahead of you, but do not fear. If the future were known to us, it might be overwhelming. Just like God promised Moses faithfulness, God still promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us. God will not expect us to carry the burdens of the future alone—He will be there.

It would be unrealistic to think the future will be void of battles or hardships, but with God’s faithfulness and our pursuit of God’s calling, victory is inevitable.  When Moses and the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, it was a triumphant victory whose story has transcended time. When we are obedient to God’s calling, He will elevate us—even in our weaknesses—and rain down unimaginable blessings just as He did in Moses’ life and ministry. The future is dependent on those who, like Moses, will accept God’s call. One day later in life, what we were once unaware of and could have resisted, we will reflect on and evaluate. We will weigh the choices we made and reason out the situations of life. When we reach that place where God had once called us to and we see His purpose carried out, it will be then we can rejoice in victory and be thankful we chose to step into the great unknown.

About the Author

Ceci resides in Lebanon, Missouri and attends Harvest Tabernacle where she is busily involved with Intensity Youth Ministries and music. She is employed by Steak ‘n Shake and enrolled in community college with interests in Education and ESL. Her favorite hobbies are biking, exploring the outdoors, and laughing it up with girlfriends. In the near future, Ceci hopes to travel overseas and get involved on the mission field. She is passionate about people of all ages and believes we have the ability to make a difference in our world today.

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