Testimony of a Servant

Posted by: in Uncategorized on October 16th

At the beginning of 2020, a few of my friends and I picked a word to live by for the year. The word I had picked was servanthood.

I was unsure how I’d fulfill that role and even had thoughts of doubts a few weeks later after selecting my word. But I had already committed to it and I was not going to be the unstable, double-minded man referenced in James 1:8. This year, pre-pandemic I was afforded some
awesome opportunities that would have allowed me not only to serve but to lead which
were great in theory. I would have been faithful and committed to my word and still
pursued the calling of God on my life… but Coronavirus hit.

I lost track of the word I was supposed to be living by, but my pastor was consistent in teaching faith and my life didn’t completely stop during the pandemic. I was still marking things off my list of things to accomplish. I wanted to be more trusting and committed to my relationships, so in March I got a puppy. I needed direction in my life as I felt I was stagnant. In August God spoke and aligned some things for me to go back to school! All but the financing has been taken care of up to this point and I know He’ll take care of that as well.

I reached out to an online university and they were so kind and patient with me throughout the process. I’m completely uncomfortable going back to school but I have a desire to grow! I spoke with a representative and she let me know that in applying during a promotional period my application fee would be waived, and so many days after being accepted they’ll waive my technology fee. I applied, submitted my transcript and work experience, and a few weeks later I received an acceptance letter.  I went from an ambitionless, unmotivated, college drop-out to being able to receive a bachelor’s degree within a year by simply praying, reading the Word, and seeking after the Lord. It’s not always easy. I’ve been tired, weary, lonely, and stressed but my God is more than enough!

I was looking for a purpose in life and something to stand firmly on. Before the pandemic even hit I was feeling a drifting, a removal of myself from myself; I didn’t know what to do, what to think, what to say. I reached out to my pastor to help get me reconnected. I love to write, but in that season, I couldn’t pick up a pen. But God! Now I am blessed to be apart of the InsideOut team as a writer!

I began trusting God with my relationships, with my finances, and ultimately with my
life as a whole. To say He answered my prayer or honored my submission would be an
understatement. God has completely overwhelmed me with unmerited favor and grace
in situations that literally seemed impossible, He did it! He made a way when there
seemed to be no way! In an effort to be a servant and commit my life to God, He overwhelmed me with things I never thought I’d do or even have the opportunity to do.

My word is still servanthood, and it is still my greatest honor.

To God be all the glory!



Simone loves to pretend to travel (Covid has completely stopped ALL her travel plans, which has allowed her to slow down and get a quarantine puppy. His name is Dudley Charles! She is a huge encourager and has a big heart. She is passionate about the things of God and His people. She also enjoys hanging out with my friends and chasing fun adventures.

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