Prayer Walk in China

Posted by: in Uncategorized on January 1st

“Then the LORD said to Joshua, ‘See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets’ ” (Joshua 6:2-4, NIV).

How many times have we allowed our minds to wander while praying? For some of us, thinking about our to-do list is perhaps one of the most common distractions. It is no surprise that the Lord commanded the Israelites to surround Jericho and march around the city so many times before the walls tumbled down! The marching kept the warriors intensely focused on God’s plan for an entire week before the battle began. “Similarly, for months before our trip to China, we prepared with prayer and fasting. This kept the team members focused on the mission.”

Going to China was an experience like no other! Apostolic Youth Corps provided this fabulous opportunity of a lifetime. However, this was not the typical mission trip where you distribute tracts to individuals in the streets or attend massive conventions; going into a communist country requires a different kind of approach. Our mission in Beijing was to intercede intensely for the souls of the Chinese people and pave the way for the underground church to witness and minister in Jesus’ name. Of course, as intense as we were, we could not shout a battle cry like the Israelites did at Jericho. But we carried the presence of God with us just as the Israelites carried the Ark of the Covenant.

While prayer-walking on Tiananmen Square, the largest public square in the world, Jesus prompted us to see beyond our material surroundings; thus we became sensitized to see into people’s hearts. We realized that even in a booming city like Beijing in all its Olympic glory, people are still searching for purpose for their lives. We sensed the oppression and lack of religious freedom as soldiers eyed us. We pleaded the blood of Jesus over Tiananmen Square, which means “Gate of Heavenly Peace.” We remembered the blood of students and workers that was spilled by the hands of a government that crushed a protest to its totalitarianism. We felt compassion for the precious children and their families and prayed for the opportunity to talk to them about Jesus. Even though the underground church is experiencing great revival, the shocking reality is that many people in China have not yet heard the Acts 2:38 message.

Praying at the park near our hotel one day, I felt prompted to chat with an old lady who was sitting on a bench with a wheelchair waiting by her side. She was eighty-six years old. She opened up to me so sweetly and honestly, revealing that someone had told her about Jesus when she was a little girl. She asked me, “Is Jesus God?” How amazing! We assured her that Jesus is God, and we prayed for healing in her body. Soon after that, someone whom we believed to be an undercover policeman approached our group, and we quickly left the area. Praying for this woman was quite a covert operation, yet it was the result of prayer walking and being sensitive to God’s direction.

The next time you feel as if you need to focus on prayer, go on a prayer walk around your neighborhood, school, or wherever God leads you. You will be more observant and able to hear the souls of people crying out. The Lord will help you become aware of the strongholds that need to be destroyed in Jesus’ name. So put on the whole armor of God and go on a prayer walk. Perhaps the Lord will lead you to a new city or even another country!


– Eugenia George

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