Northeast Christian College

Posted by: in Uncategorized on February 10th

Luke records the account of his Lord appointing the seventy-two individuals of whom He sent forth, two by two, into every city and town in which He was about to go. Jesus then speaks these words, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2). It was these words that knocked on the door of Reverend E.L. Jacques’ heart as God burdened him with the vision to start a Bible college in the maritime province of New Brunswick. In October of 1955, that vision became a reality as the United Pentecostal Bible Institute was founded. In 1994, upon completing major renovations to the college, the name was changed to Northeast Christian College. Still, nearly fifty-five years later, it is those same words which are emphatically sewn into the fabric of Northeast Christian College that keep it committed to training men and women in Apostolic truth for various forms of service in His kingdom.

Northeast Christian College has left its mark not only in the Atlantic District, but across the entire United Pentecostal Church International and, ultimately, across the globe. Currently, over 62 percent of pulpits in the Atlantic District are filled by the college’s graduates, and over twenty foreign countries have missionaries from Northeast Christian College. It is this rich history and success of producing men and women who complete college ready for the ministry that has drawn students not only from across Canada and the United States, but as far as Africa and the Philippines. As individuals from foreign countries generally cannot obtain proper authorization to legally work in Canada as a student, the college has instituted an on-campus work program allowing the opportunity for students from outside Canada to work.

In the pursuit of excellence, Northeast Christian College strives to present students with multiple possibilities tailored to their calling and area of ministry as they feel led. Offering both a theology and a music program, students have the option to complete a one-year Theology or Music Christian Worker’s Certificate program or a three-year Theology or Music Degree. In the effort to train and mature Christian men and women to become disciplined men and women of God, the college maintains a schedule full of fifty-minute classes every week, Tuesday through Friday, beginning each morning with an hour-long chapel service. However, to maintain balance and provide adequate time for leisure and study, Mondays are reserved as a day off for the students as well, and classes rarely go past three in the afternoon. Unique to Northeast Christian College is the three-year program; this is accomplished by taking two weeks of each semester and reserving them as “block weeks.” In those two weeks, students spend eight hours a day in the classroom to complete a course or courses, within two to four days. Employing four full-time, on-campus ministers who serve as the president, vice-president, campus pastor and music director—as well as welcoming over fifteen volunteer teachers from across North America annually—the college strives to provide students with the highest quality of classroom education.

At Northeast Christian College, our heart beats for the harvest field. From the opening weekend of the school year, practical ministry is not only an opportunity for students, but a requirement of them. From the founding years of the college, we have been blessed with a strong, flourishing weekend ministry program. Nearly every weekend, students are presented with the opportunities of filling pulpits, music ministry positions, and Sunday school rooms to actively apply what they’ve learned in the classroom in a practical way. Students are blessed to see not only New Brunswick; but through this program travel to Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Maine, and recently as far as Vermont and even Missouri! The college has seen incredible growth in the progression of its Music Department over the past few years; producing three CDs and currently working on the fourth, we are dedicated to pursuing God-sized dreams in every department of the college.

Northeast Christian College is a vision-driven college with Apostolic leadership on its governing boards coming from New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba. These diverse styles of leadership and various viewpoints have served the school well as they have ushered Northeast Christian College into a new season of growth. The most recent addition to the college is the five acres of land on which sits the new 1.5 million dollar administration building—housing offices for the full-time staff, district superintendent, and district secretary; as well as a board room, heritage room, computer room, classrooms, yearbook room, student lounges, library, music room—which contains the necessary equipment to function as a recording studio—and, lastly, the chapel. Currently, phase two of the new campus—containing dormitories, the cafeteria, and leisure areas—is in development with hopes to begin construction as soon as possible.

All around the world, from the smallest village to the largest metropolitan city, revival has come. The dilemma the church faces in our day was recorded by Luke when he penned the unforgettable words of Christ, “but the labourers are few;” (Luke 10:2). There is a sweeping move of the Spirit across our continent calling young men and women to a fresh consecration to dedicate their lives to the cause of Christ. Northeast Christian College is dedicated to being a facility aiding in that cause by providing sound Biblical teaching and practical opportunities for Apostolic ministry. As Jesus starred into the eyes of Philip and said, “Follow me,” (John 1:43), I challenge you to hear the voice of God calling you to follow Him on the journey of your lifetime.

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