Modest and Stylish

Posted by: in Fashion, Uncategorized on July 6th

Growing up, I remember my mother telling me stories of how she had to have her own skirts sewn when she was a child. She’d tell me, “There just weren’t any modest lengths. They were all miniskirts, so my mom had to sew the ones I wore!”

After hearing the trouble my mom had to go through, I realized how fortunate and blessed we Pentecostal girls are today! Sure there are a lot of pants and short skirts in the stores, but right alongside them, are gazillions of long skirts and maxi dresses. It’s like heaven for young ladies wanting to grab clothing that will be cool and light for the summer, yet extremely modest.

How blessed can we be? The very clothing we would like to wear as modest and conservative young women is extremely popular and in style. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to look fashionable and holy all at the same time! From Target to department stores you’ll find a large variety of the maxi. Just throw on a light billowy shirt, t-shirt, or even blazer and your look will be conveniently versatile. The maxi skirt or dress can easily be dressed up or down depending on the top and shoes you wear!

Even when the spring trend of maxi dresses start to fade as the weather gets hotter and hotter this summer, there is still a large selection of skirts readily available wherever you look. The truth is, dresses and skirts are in like never before —and even better — they are modest lengths!

It’s never been so convenient for Pentecostal girls, so grab these stylish dresses and skirts while you can. As for the maxi length, now is the best time to grab them because a lot of them will be on sale as we get deeper into the summer season. You’ll find them at stores such as Old Navy, Target, and in most department stores at the mall.

Who says that Apostolic girls can’t be the best dressed ladies out there? Enjoy this popular trend —that we pretty much started anyway. 😉

Shenae is a frequent contributor to InsideOut. She is from Tallahassee, Florida, where her dad is her pastor. She is also a graduate of Gateway College and is currently serving an internship in Ohio. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.


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