Generation Unlimited: YOU!

Posted by: in Uncategorized on March 10th


Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society.  Current studies show that those reading this article right now, young people from ages 14-29, make up the largest generation in history.

Young people are the cornerstone of the church as we know it today and represent a generational renewal. This is something that has been said so many times, but the reality is that young people are the ones in charge of building a legacy.  Who will carry the banner when the elders are gone on to their reward?

Young people not only represent the future of our churches, but also our country.  You are one of society’s main agents of change and progress. You have a great effect on economic development too. In this stage of your lives, you build many social relationships and develop a personality that defines you as a new generation. 

What you do when you become adults depends on how you think and act today.  This generation has the potential to be a disciple and make disciples like never before.  There is truth to the fact that you will indeed reap what you sow.  

Young disciples today play a crucial role no matter the size of your church, youth group, or even school you attend. Our constant and continual prayer needs to be, “God, help me be the disciple you have called me to be.  Let change start with me.”  It is impossible to be the disciple God has called us to be until we let God change what we care about to match and reflect all the things that He cares about.

When it is all said and done, my goal is to hear, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.”  A servant doesn’t do things out of obligation or duty — that’s what a slave does.  Paul wrote in Romans 6 that we once were slaves to sin but we have been set free.  Freedom results in relationship.  As servants, we do what our Master wants because our goal is to please him, in every word, thought, and action.   

This generation has the potential, skills, and drive to see an unlimited and unprecedented move of God in our churches, schools, and communities.  Be the disciple who makes disciples.  Then those disciples will make other disciples, and this generation will lead a multiplication movement like we have never seen before.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!



Corey has been involved in youth ministries for 15+ years. He has served in various aspects of church leadership, including Hyphen Director, Executive Pastor, Children’s Pastor, and Student Pastor. He and his wife, Danielle, currently are serving as the Student Pastors of First Apostolic Church under the leadership of Pastor Kris Dillingham. Corey is also a registered nurse. When he is not scoping out the local food or coffee scene, he can be found spending time with his wife and daughter, Pemberley.

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