Britney’s Top 10 Ways to Make a Flight Bearable

Posted by: in Uncategorized on February 3rd

Both unfortunately, and fortunately, I have been on 27 different planes since November.  Unfortunately for, well, obvious reasons.  Fortunately because I have been blessed to be invited to interviews and meetings across the United States.  That means I will probably have a job upon graduation — which is a good thing, especially in my Dad’s opinion.

Now I don’t want this to sound as if I am denying the wonder of flight. It’s pretty amazing. People flying are just, well, interesting. To say the very least.

So here’s my promised list of Top 10 Ways to Make a Flight Bearable.  I know I titled it “top ten ways” but honestly, it’s really my only 10 ways. 

10. Entertainment.  Friends, do not depend upon the people around you to provide this for you. Book, computer, phone…you gotta have them available.   And charged. 

9. Blanket. First of all, this object will keep you warm.  Second, you can pretend to be sleeping under it, if that should become necessary. Ahem, people.

8. Pillow. This object is a plus in case you do want to sleep, plus it can contribute to the pretense of sleeping. See above.

7. Almost miss your flight. Nothing will make you more grateful to be on that plane than the possibility of being at the airport sans plane.

6. Window seat. Or Aisle seat. Do not ever sit in a middle seat. #7 is null and void if you have a middle seat. Middle seat = valid reason to miss your flight.

5. Online check-in. Of course, this can speed up your airport experience, but it is also a prime opportunity to check where you are seated. Should you find yourself in a middle seat, change it! Should there be an entire empty row, claim it!

4. Check your bag. Seriously. You realllllly don’t want to pack your entire toiletry collection into 3 oz bottles. Nor do you want to hunt for an overhead bin. Plus those luggage handlers have children they need to feed!

3. Sleep. This goes nicely with items 9 and 8. And item 5, if you are lucky blessed.

2. People watching. Stressed people are highly entertaining. And for some reason, flying really stresses an individual. Emphasis on really. 

1. Location, location, location. Flights are always more bearable when you have something fabulous like this* waiting on you:

*Those are fried plantains, friends. Otherwise known as ridiculous deliciousness that melts in your mouth.

“Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.” Psalm 36:5-7 KJV

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