A Sunny Day in Disguise

Posted by: in Uncategorized on February 24th

On a recent flight from Atlanta to Memphis, I experienced something that I had witnessed many times before, but for whatever reason this time it captivated my attention. Maybe my sensitivity was heightened due to some challenges that I had been dealing with?  Nevertheless, the day was dreary and overcast with a slight drizzle blanketing the plane and runway. The sun was nowhere to be found and the clouds were heavy and seemingly suspended just a few hundred feet above the ground. As the jet accelerated down the runway and thrust upward towards the low ceiling, I peered out the window and began to take notice. Almost instantaneously the plane was completely engulfed in a thick-grayish cloud and the window seat that I was assigned was rendered useless. Yet equally as fast as we had entered the cloud cover, we emerged into a vast openess. That’s when it happened…a blinding light exploded through my window that was so intense that I had to cover my eyes and look away and eventually lower the window shade. The cabin that had been dimly lit before was now fully illuminated by the light of the sun. You see, what had appeared to be a dark, gloomy and rainy day was really just a sunny day in disguise. The sun was always there, shining in all of its radiance and bringing warmth, yet because of my perspective and position on the ground underneath clouds, I was unaware of what existed above them. My simple point is this: no matter what your circumstances or current station in life may be…if all you can see is an overcast sky or even if you are in the middle of the darkest night…take heart, because the sun is still shining!

Psalm 112:4 – When darkness overtakes him, light will come bursting in. (TLB)

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