
Posted by: in Technology Reviews on August 3rd

Most of us have at least one or two close friends they want to keep up with the most online. They might be a best friend, a sibling, an “interest” (oh la la), whomever! But they’re the ones you want to keep up with. You could be friends with them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and email cool stuff to them. But in my opinion, technology seems to be set up kind of backwards in this regard. While you care about your connection with that person, it seems like your favorite communication with them is all over the place. You have to go to five or six different places or apps to see everything you talked with them about. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app that could bring all of your communication together based on the awesome people in your life rather than just the awesome platforms in your life?

I’m excited for the chance to let you in on the news of an app that was recently released for the iPhone. Qurate (pronounced “curate”) is a mobile application that brings all of your communication together based on your favorite people, not just your favorite platforms. In Qurate, you’ll be able to see all the recent communication between you and your selected friends. You can see their tweets mentioning you, their Facebook chat messages, or even their

As humans, we have always viewed our friendships based on who we talk to, not how we talk to them. Qurate is going to revolutionize technology so it views our friendships the way we do. Initially, the app will support your Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail accounts. How much does the app cost? You get to choose. Seriously. There are subscriptions choices of any where from 99¢ per year all the way to $99.99 per year. So, why would someone choose to pay more? Because Qurate is a company committed to good.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could start something that would make an impact larger than yourself? That’s sort of the whole point behind everything we do as Apostolics. Probably one of the coolest parts about Qurate is that we get to work with Compassion Services (CompassionServices.org). Qurate has pledged to give 50% of its annual profits to Compassion Services.

When you subscribe to Qurate, you get to choose what area of Compassion Services you would like your subscription to benefit. You could choose the disaster relief cluster, which would help people in need after horrible disasters like Hurricane Sandy or the recent tornados that devastated Oklahoma. There is also the humanitarian cluster, which supports things like orphanages and water wells. The medical cluster goes to assist medical missions trips and places like the medical clinic in Liberia that Compassion Services built. The last area is the education cluster, which would help kids in places like India receive backpacks or school supplies.

So what are some ways you could get involved in the launch of such a cool product? Follow @Qurate on Twitter or like us on Facebook (Facebook.com/Qurate). We also have a cool launch page where you get an exclusive Qurate t-shirt sent to your doorstep if you get twenty-five friends to sign up. Go to Quratelaunch.com for more info! You can even sign up for our texting list on Qurate.net to get an immediate announcement that the app is out!

Right now we need a ton of “early adopters,” or people who use the app at the very beginning even though it may not have every feature possible yet. We are planning to release the app on Tuesday, August 6, 2013. We’re just putting some of the finishing touches on it. Join the movement and shout our release date from your social media rooftops!
Help us make a difference in people’s lives.

Ryan O’Neil is Pastor of Apostolic St. Louis Church and is a Bible Quizzing fanatic. He is married to Rachael, the love of his life, with two little boys: Oliver and Jude.


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