Peace by Piece

Posted by: in AIM and Missions, Editorials on May 10th

Knowing you are in the will of God often comes with an incredible and unexplainable peace. I’ve frequently found myself in uncomfortable situations that have allowed – or rather forced me – to stretch and grow in ways I never thought possible, yet there has been such a peace that follows. We do our best to rid our minds of doubt, but as humans, sometimes it just happens. Thank God for His forgiving love.

         I came to Greece as an AIMer knowing this was God’s will but I was still unsure of the purpose and reason when I arrived. There is a picture that is being painted by the Master, and He is revealing bits and pieces to me each day. Learning opportunities have constantly surrounded me since I have started my journey overseas. Whether it’s spending time with my missionary family during homeschool lessons, cooking in the kitchen, worshipping with national Christians, or simply opening my eyes and ears to the things around me everywhere I go, He’s there. He’s showing me things I never knew existed and paving the path of my future; one day at a time.

         We often try to get in a rush and plan our lives second by second when sometimes we just need to feel the peace God has given us even when we are not “settled.” Wherever God leads me, I want to follow. No matter how uncomfortable it may seem, He consistently brings me into His still waters in the midst of my uncertainty. Not all peace comes at once or in the way we expect; sometimes not even in the place or ministry we presumed. Being open to His voice and breaking out of our personal solitude may seem challenging when your heart honestly desires step by step instructions from God with big flashing arrows telling you exactly where to go and what to do next. Continuing to walk in the footsteps He has subtlety highlighted for each season is a challenge worth enduring.

Not everything God wants to tell or show us is going to be extravagant. Sometimes it is in the most peculiar ways we see direction revealed. He may choose a time in our lives that we would deem “inconvenient,” but that’s often His way of working. Our lowest of lows may be His way of saying “Draw near to me.” (John 4:8) I’ve realized that He just wants a relationship with us. He wants you to spend quality time with Him; just you and Him. It’s an honor to be able to communicate with The Savior of the world. For Him to choose us, to want us, to desire our love, it’s a special thing. Don’t miss out on it just because you’re in your waiting place. Hold on to each close moment with Him, big or small, and let it be what He wants. Pour out your heart to Him and He will bring you peace.

         No matter the season of life you are in, if it is out of your comfort zone, you are making a sacrifice. It may be pursuing a career, a personal goal, or ministry but, if you are doing something that is stretching you in new ways, you are increasing your ambition and drawing closer to your target. Sometimes others may not understand your choice of location or direction because God hasn’t shown them what He has shown you and that’s okay. Everyone experiences life differently and I believe that is something we often forget. Comparing your current position to someone else’s is not exactly motivating, so trust in the peace God gives YOU, not what He gives everyone else. Step into a new norm and let Him take you to an unfamiliar place; it may even be connected to the next one, but that’s the beauty of letting God hold the paintbrush and reveal your peace even if it comes in pieces.

John 14:27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

 John 16:33I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world.


Hannah is 21 years old, lives in Arkansas and attends Calvary Tabernacle of Bentonville. She loves serving in CTKids at her church, baking, thrifting, and enjoying the beautiful natural state during all seasons. She is currently an AIMer to Athens, Greece for 3 months under the supervision of Bro. Joshua and Sis. Christene Moreno.


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