What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on December 23rd

I have this fun activity I do with my elementary-aged students. Each week, at the start of the first class, I assign a creative paragraph that is always due on Friday. I have had topics on “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Who is your favorite superhero?” “Who is someone you look up to and why?” and many more. I believe my favorite subject to date would be the most recent. “What does Christmas mean to you?”

My sweet students, ranging in age from eight to preteen, had me almost in tears (some from laughter), with their responses. They had trouble pronouncing the words like frankincense and myrrh, and they assumed the wise men brought Emmanuel clothes and diapers, and that ducks were in attendance at the birth. All the same, it was precious. They shared how Christmas means spending time with their families, giving to those who are in need, receiving gifts, eating a whole lot of sweets, but most importantly, they reiterated the importance of celebrating Jesus.

Children, for the most part, are innocent and kind. They approach life with faith and excitement. I still find it tough to wrap my mind around the fact that Mary was so young when she was given the task of carrying the Boy-child, Jesus in her womb. This is just an assumption, but perhaps that is why she was chosen. Maybe God in His infinite wisdom knew that a fully grown, adult woman would have not had the same type of faith Mary had. She was just a child herself, yet full of grace and chosen.

A verse I love so very much is found in Luke 2:19. After the birth of Jesus was foretold, people began to spread the news. (Think social media, but Bethleham edition.) Even with all of the excitement, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Mary didn’t hypothetically rush to “tweet” and post pictures” about the miracle she was carrying. She simply stayed still and treasured her time with the Savior.

That is what Christmas means to me- treasuring these things in my heart. Even though I love to share Christmas and the holiday joys with others, it’s all about the manger-born child and the gift He forever will be. Take some time to ponder those things this season.

What do Christmas and the Christ child mean to you?


Rachel is a lover of travel, nachos, and the gospel. She is a graduate of Urshan College and will most likely always call it Gateway. She recently graduated with her master’s degree in counseling and human services and is currently serving at The Pentecostals of Cooper City in South Florida.

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