The Good Shepherd

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on September 19th

Shepherds are a special, gentle, and patient type of people.

Psalm twenty-three paints a picture of the Good Shepherd.  The Psalmist David introduces the Lord as One who leads His sheep beside still waters and on paths of peace. God has many names and in this passage,  we can understand that among other titles, He is the Provider, Leader, Comforter, and Refuge.

He is referred to as the One who restores the weary and worn-out soul. The sheep do not have to want for any good thing because their Lord-their Shepherd takes care of them and knows what they need and even what they long for.

He is the Provider. He allows the sheep to visit green pastures and still waters. Those places are where they can find rest and what they need to be sustained.

He is the Leader. He directs the sheep and walks them to paths of righteousness for His will and glory. He is the Comforter. Though He does guide His flock and sometimes even just one or two lowly sheep to places of wonder and beauty, He is also close and constant through dark valleys of disappointment, death, and sorrow. He leads and guides us through loss and gain.

His rod, staff, and presence are all comforts when the journey gets hard and when the sheep strays and becomes afraid or feels alone. He is the Preparer and Fighter. The Good Shepherd is also the One who fights and prepares a way of escape and rejoicing for the battles won over the enemies of the flock.

He is the Anointer. He anoints those who belong to Him and follows where he leads, and he also causes their cups of blessings and His Holy Spirit to run over in abundance. In addition to all these things, He is the safest place to dwell for all eternity.

We can know, as the reader, that just like God takes care of His precious sheep, He cares for us that way as well no matter what situations, good or bad we face in life. He loves us so much. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we have a Good Shepherd taking care of us?

He became flesh. He became the Ultimate Sacrifice. He became our Shepherd King, and we are forever in the safest of care.




Rachel is a lover of travel, nachos, and the gospel. She is a graduate of Urshan College and will most likely always call it Gateway. She recently graduated with her master’s degree in counseling and human services and is currently serving at The Pentecostals of Cooper City in South Florida.

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