Summertime Lessons

Posted by: in Rachel Skirvin on July 30th


I am a teacher and one of the greatest perks about that is the summer break that accompanies the job. When the students are rejoicing and counting down those final moments of the school year, I can guarantee you (lovingly, of course), that the teachers are as well.

I know not many people are interested in learning over their break and likely only want to take naps, go to the beach or eat endless amounts of ice cream with their friends, but if you will allow me, I want to enroll you in a quick summertime class. There will be no written test or pop quiz, just some simple direction to help you navigate this season of your life.

1. Learn how to keep learning.

No matter how intelligent you are, whether you graduated at the top of your class or barely passed, there are always lessons in life for you to learn and grow from. Learn to receive instruction from those who have gone before you. The bell for summer might have sounded, but class is never really dismissed.

2. Seek the kingdom first.

I know it is easy to get distracted and sidetracked during these carefree months, but please remember to still make time for the most important things in your life. God should still remain a priority and be first in all you do. If life is hard right now, keep your focus on the Lord.  There is purpose even in your pain. Please do not give up.

3. Keep Going

Maybe you graduated high school or college this year. If you did, maybe you are continuing your education. If you are, good for you! If you are not, good for you! Whether you have no degrees or ten, keep pursuing the call of God in your life. Keep witnessing. Keep praying. Keep reaching. Keep fasting. Just keep going.

I know summer is a time for fun and sunshine, but please remember that life is a journey and we are all in class together. Let’s keep learning.






Rachel is a lover of travel, nachos, and the gospel. She is a graduate of Urshan College and will most likely always call it Gateway. She recently graduated with her master’s degree in counseling and human services and is currently serving at The Pentecostals of Cooper City in South Florida.

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