After Camp and Congress

Posted by: in Editorials on July 11th

Here we are. After two years of waiting and wishing, we are finally here. The bus has stopped and the doors have opened. Go ahead, take a step off the bus and look up at the sign. You will see we are at an intersection. We are standing right at the crossroads of Camp and Congress.

It is an odd-number year, 2011, for those who did not major in math. And that means you get to go to youth camp in June or July and to youth congress in August; which means dorm and hotel rooms full of enough hair spray to melt away chunks of the ozone.

But it also means day and night services in the presence of God. Where you either shout your voice out or cry your eyes out, and after service, somewhere between finishing your Jr Bacon and starting on your Frosty, you look across the table at your sweat soaked friend and say, “Wow, didn’t we have good church?”

And then comes Saturday. Saturday always follows hot on the heels of the Friday of camp and congress. On Saturday, you toss your luggage in the trailer, file into the vans, and say “goodbye” for another year or two. So what do you do on Saturday? Or Tuesday of the next week? Or Friday of the next month? How do you keep the fire burning when you’re not surrounded by two hundred or twenty thousand other Apostolics? Good question, and that’s exactly why we built this website.

This website is designed to help you live InsideOut, outside the highs of camp and congress. But just like with camp and congress, we couldn’t do all of this without an all-star team. So, now that the band is playing and the banners are waving, allow me to introduce you to the starting lineup of InsideOut.

Shenae Huba will be writing about fashion, skin care, and hair care—showing us it’s possible for Pentecostal youth to dress modest and modern.

Ryan Johns will be writing music reviews—to give you principles to decide whether that song ought to be on your iPod and in your heart, or not.

Kara McCool will be writing to help you with issues you face each day—helping you to know who you are in God and how to overcome temptation that would drag you away from Him.

Shawn McGill will be writing technology reviews—helping us to know which of the latest and greatest gadgets are really the greatest, and which are just the latest.

Brooke Pamer will be writing primarily to help with relationships—to know how to please God in a blended family, with your friends, and even with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Anthony Trimble will be interviewing student pastors and other men and women of God—giving us godly mentors and heroes we can pattern our lives after.

And you have the chance to sub in on the team, from time to time. Simply write an article that will help other Pentecostal youth and your article may appear right here on InsideOut.

So, I’ll see you in Columbus for congress and I’ll see you right here after congress. From now until Jesus comes, let’s live up to our name. Let’s live InsideOut.

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