The Cost of Freedom

Posted by: in Editorials on July 2nd

As independence day rolls around, everyone is celebrating in different ways. All across the United States, American people are celebrating our freedom holiday. From cookouts to swimming, to all things red, white, and blue, we’re able to bask in what we know to be one of the best things to happen in our country. A sense of pride is presented in our attitudes. As the song goes, “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.”

One definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Another definition is the absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. That day in 1776 began a path to the absence of subjection to a foreign government, the right to act, speak or think how we’d like to. But what is the purpose of being earthly free but spiritually bound? America is blessed with opportunities and privilege, yet so many around us are in chains.

There were several definitions of freedom but one that stuck out to me the most was “the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.” When we are bound by sin, by the things of this world, we feel trapped. There seems to be no way out. However, we have hope! Our hope is in Jesus Christ. John 8:36 says, “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” The world around us is searching for exactly what we have as Apostolics. We have peace, joy, and strength, and it all comes from the Holy Ghost.

Human beings yearn for true love and companionship. We long for something greater than the average, which is why sin is only fun temporarily (Hebrews 11:25). Sin does not fulfill the voids in our spirits. This may be a weird analogy but it’s like a humidifier. At that moment, we need this machine to help us cope with our sickness, to make us feel better for the time being. Eventually, the water in the humidifier runs out. It becomes useless because it’s not doing the job anymore. Sin is the exact same way. We feel as if we need it to cope, to cope with what we won’t allow God to heal but sooner than later, it comes back to bite us. We’re empty again, we’re searching for something short-lived again.

When Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, we were guaranteed freedom. Isaiah 53:5 states, But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed.”

By HIS stripes, we are healed. We’re healed, not only physically but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This generation carries the baggage of anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses that cripple them each day. Some of you reading this struggle with the exact same things I listed. The enemy desires to hinder us in any way from fulfilling the call of God in our lives. Remember, God thought you were worth every stripe on His back, every thorn on His brow, and each nail in His hand. Through Him is where you find your liberty.

The Lord delivered me from anxiety and depression in 2017 at a ladies’ conference we had in our district. I never had so much joy and peace in my mind until then. I look back on that moment and weep because I will never forget where He brought me from. He broke the chains of fear and sadness in my life and He wants to do that for the world, for whoever is struggling with the weight of sin, for whoever that may be reading this going through a similar circumstance.

So, if God has freed you from some things, He did so for you to tell someone who may be facing the same battles. We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. You will impact this world in such an incredible way. You are vital to the Kingdom of God. Stand firm in what God has done for you and stand firm in our Apostolic truths, you never know who it could reach.






Leah is a graduate of Clemson, South Carolina. She has her Bachelors of Science in Psychology. She attends Sanctuary of Praise where she is the Prayer Coordinator for CalledOut Youth and also helps with homeless ministry. She feels as though writing is a different form of art that can reach people if they’re willing to listen

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