The Alchemy of a Vessel

Posted by: in Editorials on March 22nd

What is a vessel? No, I’m not talking about your grandmother’s flower vases or the cup you drink sweet tea out of; I’m talking about you!

The definition of a vessel, as it is related to the spiritual aspect is a person, especially regarded as holding or embodying a particular quality. You see, we are all vessels. We, as humans, are all uniquely formed by God in the womb for a particular purpose.

We are not here by accident. We are not just some random clump of cells sitting on a floating ball of earth and water suspended in space. We were all uniquely designed by God to fulfill a purpose in life. That means that each of us is unique and hold unique personalities. God has designed us all with our own talents and abilities, that when mixed with the Spirit of God in the right environment, can be used to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom.

Think of it as a chemical equation. When oxygen mixes with two hydrogen atoms, it creates what we know as water or H₂0. In colder environments, this chemical reaction can turn into ice. In hotter environments, it can turn into gas. Change happens for us too. It’s a spiritual equation. Within our vessels are our spirits. When God pours His Spirit into us, it creates an anointing, and when we operate under the anointing, God can use us to do so many things for His Kingdom. It’s God’s special alchemy. We can win a soul to the Lord, teach a Bible study, be used in gifts of healing, speak a word of faith, and much more!

So, what happens if we are in another environment? Combining your personality and the Spirit of God in a clean vessel is the perfect equation to create great things, no matter where you are. On the foreign lands, that spiritual equations can produce missionaries. In cities with no church, that equation can produce church planters. On college campuses, it produces campus ministers. We could operate under that anointing and see blind eyes open, governments persuaded to Christ, and see many filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The purpose of a vessel is twofold: to hold things and to transfer things. While we hold the Spirit of God within ourselves, it also our responsibility to transfer that Spirit to those who need salvation. To do this properly, we must ensure that our own vessels are clean and ready to be mixed with the Spirit of God. Something I have been praying lately is “God, make me a clean vessel, remove anything in me that would prevent me from being used by You. ” If my vessel is dirty, the spiritual equation will be off. When we have sin in our lives or weights that slow us down, we can’t effectively operate under the anointing.

Thinking about going into the ministry? Wanting to be a pastor or missionary? First, take a personal inventory of your life. What kind of things do you carry in your vessel? Bitterness? Laziness? Too much entertainment? Friendships that don’t bring you closer to the Lord? We have to learn to be honest with both God, and ourselves, and we also have to be willing to give up anything that is not conducive to our walk with God and replace it with things He can use. That means prayer, reading the word, fasting, and surrounding yourself with Godly friends. We will have to give up things, but according to Romans 8:28 “All things work for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” That feeling of emptiness is just a reminder that your vessel is one that God can work with. Whatever we have to give up will work for our good, and the good of His Kingdom.

We contain things that God can use, but we have to let him use them in our lives. When we remove things that don’t belong and develop spiritual discipline, God can take us farther than we ever imagined and use us as a perfect vessel for His Kingdom!

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.
-Isaiah 64:8


Kiana Gilchrist is from Anderson, South Carolina at attends Sanctuary of Praise. She has been writing since she could form words together. Writing has been a way to collect her thoughts and escape from the troubles of life. She enjoys writing articles and essays on various topics. She currently has a blog where she shares articles about whatever comes to her heart, and about my experience in the Mission field. She is in the process of publishing a book of poetry.


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