Seven Questions to Ask Before Making a Decision

Posted by: in Editorials on February 7th

“What should I wear today?”

“Where should I eat?”

“Who am I going to date?”

“What course should I take?”

These are just some of the questions we face that require us to make a decision. They are both unavoidable and critical. They are unavoidable because decision-making is part of our daily life, and they are critical because it affects our life and our future.

Each decision we make has a consequence. Heaven reacts either positively or negatively to everything we choose to do. Making decisions is like sowing seeds; we will reap the fruit of it someday.

Knowing that our decisions are critical, we cannot be careless but must be wise in making decisions. Here’s a list of questions that we need to ask ourselves before we decide on something. Please take note that the list is in an intended order.

  1. What does the Bible say about this?

The Word of God contains timeless principles on which we need to base our decisions. These principles are like a cornerstone: it is the first thing laid in the process of building a house. Everything you add to the house is standing on this foundation in one way or another.

Before making any decision, let’s refer back to the Word of God. His Word is a sure foundation.

  1. Does this decision fit God’s purpose in my life?

There are things that are morally legitimate or permissible, but not all these things are advantageous or beneficial to the purpose of God in our lives.

Why are we here? What is our calling? We have to know the general and even the specific purposes of God in our lives to make a wise and godly decision.

The most miserable life on earth is the one that is lived without a purpose.

  1. What should go first?

This is a question of priorities.

Priorities are a list of things which, when sequentially done, will serve the general principles and purposes we have which will also make us productive.

The most miserable people in the world are those who have the wrong priorities in life.

  1. Did I pray about this?

We cannot pray right and live wrong. When we align ourselves to what God wants through prayer, He will lead us to make the right choice.

A right attitude in prayer is asking the Lord, “Not my will but Thy will be done.” Prayer is not about changing the mind of God so we can do what we want; prayer is letting Him change our hearts so we can make the right decisions.

  1. Do I feel the peace of God?

Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people have an assurance that God will “teach [them] all things” (John 14:26), and “guide [them] into all truth” (John 16:13).

There are many ways through which God speaks to His people, and one of the most common and prominent ways is through the peace of God that resides in our hearts (Philippians 4:7).

Do we feel the peace of God about our decision?

  1. What do my elders and spiritual leaders say about this?

“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14, NKJV).

News flash: we don’t know everything. No matter how educated we think we are, there will always be things in life that we don’t know. This is the reason why it is significant to ask other people about our decisions.

First, we need to ask our spiritual leader or pastor’s counsel especially concerning things that  impact our future and spiritual life. Pastors are God’s overseers or shepherds who look after His people. He often uses our pastors and spiritual leaders to speak to us.

Second, look for some experts in the field with which we are trying to deal and who have possibly been where we are.

Let’s surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.

  1. How will my decision affect other people who are important to me?

Whether we like it or not, people, especially those who are closest to us, will be affected by the decisions we make.

Have we considered consulting our family? Have we considered consulting our spouse? How will our decision affect our neighbors or our church?

We ask this question not because we want to please everyone. We ask this question because we know that the will of God does not cause chaos in our relationships and in other people’s lives.

Wisdom is the Principal Thing

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you” (Proverbs 4:7-9).

Let’s be wise in making decisions!



Raymart was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. As a third-generation apostolic believer, his exposure to the things of God developed a burning desire to be involved in the ministry. Three years ago, his desire moved him to Canada to become an international Bible college student at Northeast Christian College. He is a licensed minister with the Atlantic District of UPCI, the section 2 youth representative of the district, youth pastor of Ripples United Pentecostal Church, and a graduate school student at Urshan Graduate School of Theology pursuing Master of Arts in Christian Ministries (Intercultural Studies).

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