Category: Inspirational
The Beauty of the Broken Bonsai
Recently, I strolled through a Japenese Garden filled with beautiful waters and ornate shrines. My favorite portion of this garden was a small space that was dedicated to tiny, yet mighty bonsai trees. Bonsai is actually not a specific tree, but rather a process. The trees are made to be small and contained. They are cultivated… View Article
Where Were You?
Yesterday I watched a documentary on the History Channel with live footage of the horrendous attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. Some of you were not even born yet. Some of you, like me, were very young. I was in the fourth grade. I was attending Boiling Springs Elementary School in South Carolina. I… View Article
On Time God
Have you ever baked cookies and taken them out way too early only to have a gooey mess? Have you ever painted something and thought it was dry only to realize it needed to sit a little longer? Maybe you have eagerly sipped a well crafter latte that had not cooled long enough and your… View Article
The Lesson of the Lonely Leper
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 We have all become too well acquainted with distance during this strange and unprecedented time. During a time when the world could use a giant hug, we are all forced to stay far away from one another. I find it interesting that during all this,… View Article
The First Stone
A few weeks ago I was reading through the book of John when I came across the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. I had read this passage before but that day, a phrase stood out to me a little differently than it had in times past. Jesus asked the woman… View Article