Category: Inspirational
Be Different
Have you ever had someone stare you down? Not even a friendly stare; just a look that makes you feel like you don’t belong. Some would tell me if I just did this or that, not so many people would do that to me, but I disagree. Some people say my life is dull and… View Article
Our General Youth President, Michael Ensey, opened the Youth Day service announcing a monumental offering total—the fourth highest in Sheaves for Christ history—of $3,892,876.22. These funds go to support missionaries, Tupelo Children’s Mansion, Lighthouse Ranch for Boys, Bible college scholarships, and many other organizations and causes. Following the announcements, there was an awards ceremony where… View Article
“Quitters never win.” This trite, little phrase is one many of us probably heard throughout our childhood, and of course, we see the evident truth in it. How can one win if he gives up before it is all said and done? However, what if I told you it is not true in all cases?… View Article
Here we are again, back in the swing of life and routine that accompanies every school year. New classes, new people, new choices and chances keep this year wide open to countless possibilities. Possibilities. What do you think of when you hear that word? Words like endless or countless—maybe even new—tend to rush to our… View Article
Work It Out
School. Job. Sleep. Repeat. To those of us who have the pleasure of saying “I can’t, I have work,” this routine is all too familiar. Even if you are without a job, I’m sure you can remember the fresh list of chores each morning that were/are equally familiar. Now there are those blessed few who… View Article