Work It Out

Posted by: in Inspirational on September 12th

Work It Out
School. Job. Sleep. Repeat.

To those of us who have the pleasure of saying “I can’t, I have work,” this routine is all too familiar. Even if you are without a job, I’m sure you can remember the fresh list of chores each morning that were/are equally familiar. Now there are those blessed few who just can’t wait to attend their jobs each new day, but I’m sure I can speak for the majority when I say there seems to be no better time for a nap than when you take the first few steps into the door of the workplace.

Whether it’s the lack of free time or the conviction that we deserve more free time than we receive, employees can be left with a feeling of want. Although this feeling can put up a fierce attack, a good worker must stand with his own defense. I personally fight this feeling by reminding myself of a bitter-sweet statement: “The company hired me to help fill its needs, not the other way around.”

After recalling this fact a short while ago, my eyes were opened to a greater understanding of our relationship with God. Just like a business employs people to assist in their work, God has created us to do His will. As easily as we can find ourselves disgruntled when we must spend our time in service of others, we can find ourselves becoming unsatisfied with life when God wants to use us.

“Why am I not where I want to be? Do I deserve the lot I’ve been handed? Is my voice even being heard? Will I ever receive the direction I have been asking for?” When we ask these questions, they block the way of the big picture—God has you right where He wants you, but He is waiting for you to take action.

I’m sure most of us are familiar with the parable of the talents. In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells His disciples of a master and his three servants. To the first, he gave five talents; two to the second; and one to the last one. When the servants returned, the first two of the servants had doubled what they started with, but the latter simply buried his talent. The master rewarded those who had done what they could with what they were given, but the servant who did nothing received the same. Nothing.

God gives us what we can handle and knows that each of us contain the potential to make His kingdom flourish. We are fashioned into disciples once Jesus is given control in our lives. This means we have the responsibility to take what God has given us and spread the gospel farther than our comfort zone.

In addition to the commission to follow His will, God has given us a promise of what we shall see at the end of our efforts. Just as a boss sees the good work of his employees and rewards them with bonuses or a promotion, the rewards given to faithful disciples will be given “. . . pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For with the measure you use it will be given back to you” (Luke 6:38).

God’s eye never passes over a loyal servant. To form all of these ideas into one sentence: God has created us for His work; we just have to put it into action.

Throughout this week, let us as a strong body of Christian believers challenge ourselves to become humble servants. When that boss, a parent, or a friend asks you to go a step farther in your work, or when God asks you to go the extra mile for another, accept the task with joy.


I’m Grace DeWald, and I am a senior this year at a private Pentecostal school. I am an achievement-driven person with an enthusiasm for writing, literature, and solving problems. A few years ago I realized my passion for seeing the world as well as my want for others to see it with me, so I believe God has set a path toward an occupation in journalism for my future.


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