Author Archives for Brooke Pamer
On a shelf in my house, there it sits—the quintessential, pink piggy bank. I remember the first day it was dropped, injured, and promptly glued back together. Over the years it has been shaken violently in search of a stubborn copper penny.
Read MoreWho Are You Listening To?
The Pelicano is the world’s most unwanted ship. Since 1986 she has been roaming the high seas looking for a home. She has been rejected by Sri Lanka, Bermuda, the Dominican Republic, the Netherlands, the Antilles, Honduras, and many more. The problem is not the boat. Though it is rusty, the 466-foot freighter is seaworthy…. View Article
Read MoreFear of Rejection
All of us, at one time or another, have had our desire to act curtailed by a fear of rejection. You want to audition for a role in the play but not making it would be too great a social embarrassment. You want to try out for the team but riding the bench would brand… View Article
Read MoreWhat Does the Bible Say About Tongues?
I was eight years old when I transferred to Sweetwater Academy’s third grade class. Eight seems too young to be insecure, but I was already carrying around a collection of nicknames that had bruised my ego. My horizon of future social success brightened when Louie, the cool kid, picked me to be on his kickball… View Article
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