My SFC Scholarship

Posted by: in Hyphen, Inspirational, Sheaves for Christ on January 29th

My SFC Scholarship
Often in the Bible, we see a man or woman of God walking by faith and obedience to what the Lord has promised them. Abraham was asked to leave his home in Haran to go to a land the Lord had promised him (Genesis 12:1-4). He was leaving the comfort of his home, the familiarity of the land in which he resided, and the convenient proximity to his family. His choice was being done in faith and obedience to what God had asked him to do, and by that faith, Abraham was blessed (Genesis 24:1); others were blessed by him (Galatians 3:6-8); and he became the father of the nation of Israel as we know it today (Isaiah 41:8).

Although God has not spoken to me about a promised land or told me that all the nations of the world would be blessed by me or that I would become the father of some great nation, God did give me the reassurance that He would supply my needs to continue my Bible college education at Apostolic Bible Institute (ABI). I battled with the notion of staying at ABI when I knew my family, pastor, and home church were in need of ministry help in the Seattle metro area.

While in prayer, God impressed upon me that I needed to stay at ABI. The thought was baffling because I ached to be home, but I knew God always knows best—just like with Abraham. In earnest, I told the Lord, “If I am to stay at ABI, You will have to provide the additional finances to do so and to take care of my family and home church.” I believed I would be at ABI for the upcoming year, but I knew that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). I would need to apply myself if I truly believed what God had spoken to me. I decided to apply for the Sheaves for Christ scholarship and believed God would ultimately provide for me by whatever means if I just remained faithful and obedient to Him.

Within a few days of my earnest prayer, my boss asked if I would like more hours at work, enabling me to make additional money that was never an option before then. I worked tirelessly while expectantly awaiting a reply from the youth department on my application. The day finally came, and to my great joy, I had been blessed by Sheaves for Christ.

A few months after confirming I would receive the Sheaves for Christ scholarship, some fellow students and I began implementing an outreach plan at the First United Pentecostal Church and ABI. We presented the plan before our pastor and president, Rev. Gerald Grant, and were given the “thumbs up” to see it executed. We worked diligently throughout the summer and early fall with the goal of connecting with our community, blessing them, teaching home Bible studies, and ultimately seeing the lost saved.

Our planning led to a mass outreach event which resulted in sending out nearly 15,000 fliers and having an exciting community connect event with food, bounce houses, giveaways, and a powerful Sunday morning “Friend Day” service. Amidst all the planning and preparation for the event, Pastor Grant offered me the opportunity to work for the church managing the outreach and Bible study program. Between working for the church and having the Sheaves for Christ scholarship, I was able to resign from my secular job and put my full efforts into the ministry while in Bible college. This was impossible without Sheaves for Christ.

In fact, all that has taken place would be impossible without God using Sheaves for Christ to give me these opportunities. Every Bible study I get to teach, every flier I pass out, every outreach I plan, every soul that is won, and the future ministry ahead for me has been benefited by Sheaves for Christ and by having an obedient faith to God. It may not always be comfortable, familiar, or convenient, but serving God with obedient faith will always result in His hand being upon your life.

Thank you to all those who acted in obedient faith and were willing to give so I could go to Apostolic Bible Institute to learn and additionally put my full focus into reaching out to this world. God bless!

To apply for the SFC scholarship by February 1, click here.

Bishop, Justin

Justin T. Bishop is a third year student at Apostolic Bible Institute in St. Paul, Minnesota where he is studying Bible Theology and Christian Ministries. Before attending ABI, he assisted his parents with a growing church in Kent-Des Moines, Washington within the Seattle metro area. He enjoys teaching Bible studies, preaching, organizing outreaches, and hopes to start church planting and pastoring after Bible college.

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