North American Youth Congress, Wednesday Night

Posted by: in 2015, Youth Congress on August 5th


More than a Covenant

The first ever sold out, overflowing, North America Youth Congress has finally arrived. Years of preparation, fundraising, prayer, and fasting have led us to this moment. Lines formed hours in advance to the three designated entrances of The Chesapeake Arena. Registrants flooded into the arena in preparation for an incredible opening night of NAYC. Over 18,000 young adults have stormed the city bringing a thunder like Oklahoma City has never seen.

My Hope Radio and the North American Talent Search kicked off the evening with eight soloists from all across the nation. Each of the contestants showcased their God-given talents in an act of worship back to Him.

After a time of prayer and announcements, the worship team led by Jessica DiGiovanni stepped onto the platform leading us into a time of worship. Following this opening worship, the Senior Bible Quizzers were acknowledged for their hard work, achievements, and dedication to God’s word. Florida took the prize for first place in experienced, followed by the winners of the intermediate category from the state of Texas.

After continuing again in worship, the Spirit of God poured into the arena, delaying the preaching as the students relentlessly worshiped our Holy king. While allowing the Spirit of God to continue working, Youth president, Michael Ensey delivered a moving message entitled More than a Covenant, based from Deuteronomy 5:1-15. He preached with passion, urging attendees to call to remembrance the power that we have through Christ in us. He proclaimed that this is a time of reaping what has been sowed. ” What is happening here is just a portion of what is to come.”

Bro. Ensey told a story of the Oklahoma City Bombings, many years ago. He highlighted a firefighter, Chris Fields, who was seen carrying the body of a one year old child from the scene of devastation. Fields has continued to serve and give his life to rescuing others. He was present in this evening’s service, and rightfully received a standing ovation for his dedication and service.

Bro. Ensey then shared stories of young heroes of the faith in our modern day. Rozan Othman, a young lady from Indiana raised in a Muslim household stood with hands raised after her story of deliverance was shared. Despite her family’s open and unrelenting opposition, she gave her life to the Lord and has been called to be a missionary to the Middle East. This past Easter Sunday, both her mother and sister were filled with Holy Ghost. We give glory to God for the work He is doing through his children to reach the world, despite opposition.

Another young lady, Krystal Limon, took a stand against abortion in a class at her local college in California which led to her teacher questioning her reason. She continued by giving an educated monologue from the point of view of a baby in the womb. Her presentation left her teacher speechless, and stirred the hearts of her peers. This resulted in her being able to reach many in her class.

Peyton Flanary, a young man who lost his life in a car accident when he was sixteen, won many souls as his life devoted to God came to an earthly end. It was not until his passing that the impact in his school was seen. Just one day after his father buried him in the ground, he also buried two of his classmates in a watery grave under the saving name of Jesus Christ

As Bro. Michael Ensey continued with his presentation of God’s word, he offered a charge of three criteria of relationship.

The first, and above all, is our relationship with God. This supersedes any other calling and relationship we could ever have. God does not desire to be the first god above many other gods in our lives, but rather he desires us to be Oneness in our doctrine AND in our practical application.
He is to be the only God in our lives.

The second is our relationship with spiritual authority. We must respect and submit to the authority God has placed in our lives. They are there for a purpose and are strong assets to our walk and relationship with God. God has placed us under specific leadership for a specific purpose.

The third is our relationship with your peers. We are to respect those around us and love our neighbors as ourselves. The battle against the enemy of our flesh will never be won by giving in to what is making efforts to destroy us. Bro. Ensey reminded us to love all people, all sinners, because such were some of us. However, he also proclaimed, “The truth is not on trial, and the truth has not changed!”

“The battle that we are in will never be won in a courthouse or a White house, but rather in the Church house. We do not need more information or more creative methods, but rather invest ourselves to greater commitment and covenant to what matters most. Truth is not on trial. This truth will remain.”

Bro. Ensey admonished the attendees by stating, “Each new dimension of commitment must come with the death of something. Jesus gave us the ultimate portrait of commitment with His death on the cross. The ultimate example of sacrifice and humility blamelessly hung on a cross for the sins of the world.
It is time for this generation to rise up, take a stand, and recommit ourselves to our true calling. In 2015 we still have the divine calling to be separate and holy.”

Service ended with a unique altar call where the congregation took communion and remembered where it all began with Jesus’ commitment to offer himself for this world.

Tonight, we raised our banner high and declared a new commitment to God. We went beyond a covenant to a deeper commitment. God’s mighty hand was at work in the first service of North American Youth Congress, and we expect more great things as the week continues.

View photos from the service here.

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