North American Youth Congress, Thursday Night

Posted by: in 2017, Youth Congress on July 31st

Is This That?

As over 34,000 people filled the Lucas Oil Stadium for the second night service this week, the presence of God and the worship were unprecedented. Over the past two days, there has been a sound like this football stadium has never heard. God is doing amazing things in the lives of those in attendance at NAYC17.

The night began with the North American talent search. So much talent was displayed at the start of service, followed by a dynamic worship set that helped prepare the hearts of those in attendance for a word from God.

Before the evening speaker began, the congregation was charged by our General Superintendent, Bro. David Bernard, about the weight and impact of the callings placed on this very powerful generation. He proclaimed “We are not waiting for revival, we are in revival right now!”

Following Bro. Bernard, Bro. Sam Emory turned our attention to Luke 24:48 and Acts 2:16 and presented the challenging question, “Is This That?” If you truly believe “This is That,” you must live like you mean it.

Bro. Emory encouraged the young people in attendance, “Living for God is not outdated, nor will it ever be. You cannot adequately live on the coat tails of someone else’s relationship with God. Something happens when you are consecrated and desperate enough to experience God for yourself. Esau missed it, and Cain didn’t recognize it. The calling of God is the most important thing in a young man’s or young lady’s life. Never let that go. “

When we get to heaven, we will realize that regardless of what was asked of us, heaven is mighty affordable. Don’t get so caught up in what is asked of you, is not God worth it?

Bro. Emory, with his abundance of personality told the students, he wouldn’t be the preacher that stands there and tells you that sin isn’t fun and exciting. However, the pleasures of sin are only for a season, and once that season is over, you become a slave. It is important for us to realize no matter what, God still has power to deliver even those who seem like they are too lost. It is time to get real with God. He is still in control.

Bro. Emory encouraged the young people by telling them the greatest testimony you can have is not that you’ve been brought out of filthy and disgusting things, but that God has kept you from all of that. It’s not what he had to do to clean you up, it’s what he was able to keep you from. Our God is a keeper!

In the most crucial point of a game, the coach won’t put in his forth string players. He puts in the best of the best when the game is on the line! God has specifically saved this generation for this time for a purpose. The promises and prophecies of God don’t die, they often times are waiting for someone to claim them as their own. If “This is that,” let the people of God stand up and start to live like it.

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