Meet the NAYC Speakers: Kendra Shock

Posted by: in 2019, Youth Congress on July 20th

K. Shock is an avid coffee drinker and student of the Word. Her roots are in Louisiana, but her heart is scattered abroad in several countries. She currently serves as Hyphen Director for the LA District and plans to never retire from youth ministry. Her Goldendoodle, “Asia,” usually sits nearby as she reads as much as the day will allow. Centering her life around Ex. 9:16, she is passionate about communicating the Good News to students of all ages and equipping them to spread it like wildfire.


InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?

This question gets me every time- hopefully these things qualify as items 1) the Word, 2) A full library (this would obviously be a huge 5 story building), 3) coffee supply (which would obviously be a full roasting company inside of another building with people inside of it, obviously) // real talk: if coffee isn’t there, I can’t “even.”

IO: Please tell us your favorite joke.

The jokes make themselves on social media these days…haha! Honestly, I can’t think of one off the cuff, but I get tickled by so many memes. Especially the dog sitting with a coffee cup in his hand amidst flames with the caption, “This is fine.”

IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while speaking?

One of my first times sharing with a large audience when I was quite a bit younger, I was speaking from an iPad. I had just finished my intro remarks, looked down to swipe to my first point, and the whole thing immediately crashed! It proved something very (in)valuable to me that night; to be certain of the Word for that moment/group, that your only dependence be on a Spirit and not a man-made machine.

IO: What is your favorite book?

This one is hard…can I squeeze by with two?  “Letters To The Church” by Francis Chan messed me up pretty good this year, but “The Insanity of God” by Nik Ripken messed me up for life. I already feel guilty for not listing more! I LOVE to read.

IO: What is your dream travel destination?

This list could get long! London, Florence, Barcelona…just a few.

IO: What is your favorite hobby/past-time?

I would have to say traveling/exploring new places, reading, and spending time with students. If coffee is there, I’m there.

IO: How do you prepare to speak to thousands at North American Youth Congress?

EXCELLENT QUESTION, SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME-haha! Honestly, I’ve kept a note in my phone and updated it almost every day/week for about a year of the things I feel God wants to tell us. I pray every day over everyone in attendance; that our hearts would not be closed or critical, and our spirits open to whatever God would say. Fasting and study is a given, like Bro. Carson mentioned and definitely running my thoughts through mentors who can easily identify if there’s “too much flesh” in any portion. We’re going to have a great time!

IO: What advice do you give to the teens and young adults of this generation?

Real life, real fellowship, real community, real outreach all happens off of a screen. Don’t wake up when you’re 25 and realize you’ve filtered your highlight reel perfectly for a world of people you can’t see that probably doesn’t care. Reality is face-to-face with a lost world that needs your real smile, your real love, and your real God.

IO: How can the students take the things they learned at North American Youth Congress and apply them immediately?

Daily. Daily. Daily. The mountain top (NAYC) is a spirit-landmark every year for me, and I remember it in my valleys. The “daily climb,” if you will, ensures a stronger appreciation for the next mountain top, and builds strength for this beautiful journey and race we run. Want to come back stronger in 2021? Seek Him DAILY. Don’t wait for a spotlight opportunity, take one that’s already there in homeroom, your job, or right in your family.



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