Meet the NAYC Speakers: Travis Worthington
Next up, say hello to one of the talented and anointed Hyphen split session speakers for NAYC 2019. He is a loving husband, father to two beautiful children and is one of the kindest and most God-honoring men you will ever meet. He writes to us from the great state of Virginia,
Meet Travis Worthington:

InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?
I would like my Bible with highlighters; Fishing pole; my iPad pro with a solar powered battery charger
IO: Please tell us your favorite joke.
What is Forrest Gump’s password? 1Forrest1
IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching?
TW: I was preaching at my home church and I stepped down off of the platform while preaching. When going back on the platform, I went to run and jump up the steps. My foot slipped, I missed the step, my leg landed right on the edge of the step and then I fell down. Of course as a Preacher I turned that into a message within a message and said, “when we fall, we have to get back up. The enemy wants to knock you down and knock you out but you have to get back up.” At the moment I did not feel anything but after a few minutes realized I was bleeding down my leg from the fall. I finished the message then preached the second service, thankfully without falling the next time.
IO: Besides the Bible, what is your favorite book?
John Maxwell, 21 Laws of Leadership
IO: What is your dream travel destination?
TW: Israel
IO: What does your daily devotion routine look like?
TW: My routine is I wake up in the morning and read my bible devotional and daily bread chart that is emailed to me. I then will spend some time with the Lord and that time varies contingent on work schedule, school or church activities. Throughout the day I have built in methods to manufacture daily devotion. Around lunch I get a reminder for a Bible reading plan. Mid-day I get another notification of the scripture of the day. In the evening, I spend some time studying, praying and then I end by journaling S.O.A.P ~ Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.
IO: What is your favorite hobby/past-time
TW: Spending time with my two awesome kids has got to be right there at the top. We have a four year old daughter, Mia and an almost two year old son, Cam. Both are so much fun. Other hobbies would be reading and I used to play more golf than what I have been able to the last few years.
IO: How do you prepare to preach to thousands at North American Youth Congress?
TW: I have spent a lot of time in prayer and fasting for the upcoming event. Preparation for me at this point has been to continually seek God and find the perfect will for the service.
IO: Briefly share your testimony, especially from your life as a teen.
TW: When I was 12 years old, my cousin taught me bible studies. After seeing the revelation of being born again, I wanted to receive the Holy Ghost and was filled in January 1997. Thereafter, I wanted to be baptized but my Mom was opposed to the idea of baptism being that she grew up in another denomination. For four months, I asked my Mom every week and finally, one Sunday in April I was baptized in the YMCA swimming pool. I attended a home missions church for the first year of my walk with God and then the church merged with another church in town. Some of the most awesome and powerful experiences that shaped who I am, occurred in my teen years in Michigan.
IO: When and where did God call you to preach, and how did you answer you His call?
I will never forget, I was with my cousin who was preaching the North Carolina Youth Convention as the day speaker. He had invited me to come with him while I was on my spring break. I was 17 years old and the convention was in Raleigh. Following a message at the altar call, I felt the specific call of God to give up everything and go into the ministry. That summer between my Junior and Senior year of high school, I moved from Michigan to Gainesville, FL and began an amazing journey of ministry.
IO: What advice do you give to the teens and young adults of this generation?
TW: My advice would be to trust God and go all in with every area of your life. From serving to teaching bible studies to preparing for future ministry. Everything you do and every sacrifice you make is worth it! Be intense and committed to the call of God and serving the local church. Your youth group and church is the hope for your world. You are the only light that they may ever see, so be consistent and intentional as a missionary to your world. Consistency beats intensity every time. Consistency in your walk with God will transform your life and your world. Create change. Spread Light.
IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?
TW: I think it starts with being intentional and being accountable. Intentionally seek the Lord and then immediately begin to strategize of how you are going to put that into action when you get home. Being accountable to your Youth Leader, Chaperones and friends to help remind you what God has spoken to you. There is an unquestionable fire and transformative experience that happens at NAYC. Intentionality and accountability help to put action to the impartation. Impartation + Action = Impact
BONUS: What is the greatest thing that has happened in your life beside salvation?
TW: Besides marrying the best wife on the planet and the joy of our two awesome children. My wife and I started a church in DC Metro 7 years ago. It has been the greatest thing to Pastor awesome people who are passionate about God and intentional to change our world. The last seven years have been a wild ride of up’s and downs but the Lord has been faithful. It has been incredible to start a church in the center of our world.