Meet the NAYC Speakers: Joshua Carson

Posted by: in 2019 on June 19th

Meet your UPCI Youth President and keynote speaker for NAYC 2019, Joshua Carson. He joined the UPCI Youth Ministries in the fall of 2013. Before coming to St. Louis Josh served on staff in Tallmadge, OH and also as the Ohio District Youth President. Josh has now served in youth ministry for over sixteen years. Josh is honored to be an Ordained UPCI minister and is extremely passionate about leading this generation of Apostolic Youth to reach the world! Josh met the “love of his life” Rachel while attending Indiana Bible College, and they have been married since 2002. He LOVES being a dad to his amazing four children, Canan, Carver, Kadynce, and Casen. Josh enjoys reading, writing, spending time outdoors, running, Mexican food, and more than anything, wrestle time with the kids. The motto at the Carson house is, “these are the best days of our lives.” Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s Degree at UGST.



InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?

  1. Water purifier (extend life), loaded flare gun (for when my ship came in), toothbrush (to have teeth left when my ship came in)

IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching? 

  1. Running across the stage at convention and falling. I tried to act like it was on purpose…everyone knew it wasn’t.

IO: Besides the Bible, what is your favorite book?

  1. Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordiero (at least this month)

IO: What is your dream travel destination? 

  1. An elk hunt in Colorado.

IO:  What does your daily devotion routine look like? 

  1. Wake before the family.
  2. Go to my “regular spot” and begin my prayer process through the tabernacle plan.
    1. This starts with coffee and thanksgiving before moving forward to the altar and so forth.
  3. Daily devotional book (this changes annually)
  4. Work to remain prayerful even throughout the business of the day.

IO: What is your favorite hobby/past-time 

  1. Hunting (sorry PETA Piper)

IO: How do you prepare to preach to thousands at North American Youth Congress? 

  1. Who is preaching to thousands? Say what?
  2. Pray, fast, study, talk to the voices in my life, repeat process (like 1000 times)
  3. Be confident in the Word God has given, deliver the Word as myself

IO: Briefly share your testimony, especially from your life as a teen.

  1. I’m the youngest of three and grew up in small-town IL. While I’m not from a pastor’s home, I am from the home of amazing parents who allowed our house to be a safe place for friends. My youth pastor, Paul Froese, was one the greatest YP’s of all-time, and he gave me the most valuable thing any youth pastor can, his time. He encouraged me to accept the call of God on my life as a teenager and my parents were amazing with their support.

IO: When and where did God call you to preach, and how did you answer you His call?

  1. I was really just a young kid when I felt the call to preach, however, I preached my first Youth Rally at 16. However, I still really wanted my will (marketing) and His will (ministry) at the same time, and I was struggling to find the balance. My last year of Sr. High Camp, the late Rev. Norman Paslay, preached a message about taking out the trash, and it challenged me to a life-altering response. The rest as they say, is history.

IO: What advice do you give to the teens and young adults of this generation?

  1. There is NOTHING worth losing your soul! Seek first the Kingdom of God and know that while there may be bumps along the way, living your life committed to the call of God is the most rewarding thing you can and will ever do.

IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?

  1. All fires are contingent upon fuel and atmosphere.
    1. Fuel – Do NOT treat this like a 3-day event. Take the commitment home to keep the fuel (prayer, fasting, & study) consistently in your life.
    2. Atmosphere – It’s hard for a fire to stay burning in cold-damp conditions. Having God’s Kingdom at work in your life is not dependent upon a football stadium. You have the ability to set the atmosphere by what you read, watch, hear, and who you interact with.

BONUS: What is the greatest thing that has happened in your life beside salvation?

  1. My wife (the amazing, beautiful, and godly Rachel Joy) and my precious kiddos (Canan, Carver, Kadynce, Casen).


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