Meet the NAYC Speakers: Andrew Cox

Posted by: in 2019 on February 20th

Can you believe that NAYC is this year? We are anticipating a mighty move of God and cannot wait to see you there.

Each month here at InsideOut, we want to introduce the people who will be ministering to you in St. Louis, Missouri this summer. This week get to know Bro. Andrew Cox, one of the teen split session speakers. He hails from Louisiana, loves his family and has a heart for the kingdom of God.


InsideOut: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you and why?

AC: A pilot. A jet. A runway. BYE BYE island. 

IO: Please tell us your favorite joke.

AC: Danielle, (my wife) accused me of being immature, I told her, “get out of my fort!”

IO: What is the funniest moment you have had while preaching?

AC: Saying, “As the great King David said, well I can’t remember what I was going to say about what he said, but he said a lot of great things so you go read it.”

IO: Besides the Bible, what is your favorite book?

AC: Utah Blaine by Louis L’Amour.

IO: What is your dream travel destination?

AC: Iowa, in November (the entire month), twenty feet up a tree with a bow in my hand. 

IO:  What does your daily devotion routine look like?

AC: Prayer, word, mediation. 

IO: What is your favorite hobby/past-time

AC: Archery hunting.

IO: How do you prepare to preach to thousands at North American Youth Congress?

AC: Get stranded on an island. 

IO: Briefly share your testimony, especially from your life as a teen.

AC: I faced a lot of adversity through health problems as a teen. It was in those darkest moments I learned to fully trust God. I learned that He loved me and I would never be alone in any circumstance. 

IO: When and where did God call you to preach, and how did you answer you His call?

AC: I do not have a specific “moment’ as do some. However, as a young chap I felt Jesus call me to love him. From there I knew I had to follow Jesus wherever he led me. I am still chasing Him today. 

IO: What advice do you give to the teens and young adults of this generation?

AC: Fall in love with Jesus. Live Matthew 6:33. Chase the approval of God. 

IO: How can the students take the North American Youth Congress fire to their homes and home churches and keep it burning?

AC: Refuse to be average. Love God. Love people. Follow Jesus with unfettered passion. 

BONUS: What is the greatest thing that has happened in your life beside salvation?

AC: Danielle said, “yes.”

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