NAYC13 Thursday Day Sessions

Posted by: in 2013 on August 8th

Thursday Day Sessions

Let me see the hands of everyone who woke up this morning completely awake and refreshed. Anyone? Anyone at all? How about the hands of those who had to drag their fellow youth group members out of bed this morning? Ahhhh, that’s what I thought. Sleep is for the weak! Well, when I originally started writing this article, I thought all of you NAYCers would sleep in and straggle into the morning general session around lunchtime. However, y’all flat out proved me wrong!

This morning, the arena doors opened at 8:30am, and not too long after, the corridors were flooded with NAYCers who wanted to get a “jump start” on the Jump Start session. If you were one of the early birds, you were treated with some incredible entertainment and some fabulous singing.

The split sessions were a phenomenal time of learning and growing. Our General Superintendent, David K. Bernard, taught at the Young Minister’s Split Session. “The will of God will push you out of your comfort zone,” he informed the crowd. His timely message deeply impacted all that heard it. The Youth Workers Sessions was led by Paul and Brooke Pamer, who shared this word of wisdom – “You can love everyone. You can lead everyone. But you cannot connect with everyone.” Youth work is not for the weak of heart, and the Pamers spoke encouragement into the lives of our movement’s youth workers.
If you saw smoke in the arena, it was probably caused by the stampede to the Afterburner booth right after it was announced that 500 more tickets were available for purchase. If you missed out, that is one more reason you should have been at the morning service. You never know what announcements will be made!

Our General Youth Secretary, Bro. Michael Ensey, showcased Campus Ministries International. The General Youth Division is empowering and equipping campus ministry pastors, and they need your financial support. If you want to be a part of this phenomenal endeavor, you can give online at

Before the preaching in the General Session, we were led again into a time of worship and praise by the incredibly talented NAYC band. If you cannot feel God in these services, we need to take your pulse!
David McGovern’s sermon in the General Session, “Above All: The Call”, He preached a timely and practical message for all of us to hear and apply. Just one incredible sound bit from his sermon – “Don’t let your calling die by the death of distraction. Nothing is worth missing your call.”

This article is in no way a comprehensive review of the entire morning at NAYC. If you missed any part of it, visit the GYD booth or and buy a media dropcard. You can download ALL General Session and Split Session messages.
God still has so much in store at NAYC. Keep following to stay updated! You do not want to miss anything!

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