2014 Youth Week: Marked

Posted by: in Ministry Spotlights on February 11th

Several years ago, the General Youth Division (GYD) began publishing an annual series of lessons simply entitled “Youth Week.” It has been a valuable resource to youth workers all across the country—and continues to be—as we endeavor to stockpile Apostolic student ministry resources by Apostolics.

Ways To Use The Youth Week Lessons

Weekly Youth Service
Hopefully, your ministry is operating on a one-year teaching calendar, or at least a six-month teaching calendar. The youth week series is a great resource that will give you five solid lessons you can utilize in your weekly youth service.

Annual Youth Week
More and more youth groups are scheduling an annual youth week. Many times these conclude with a special service for their local assembly. Some ministries are even opening up this final service to surrounding churches, or making it a sectional or district event. The youth week lessons are a valuable resource that can be taught during the day (if scheduled during the summer) or during the evening (if scheduled during the school year).

Weekly/Monthly Small Group Meeting
For student ministries who have ongoing small group meetings or Bible studies, the youth week lessons can even be incorporated into this type of gathering. They will provide a fluid theme and solid continuity for any size of youth group and youth team.

This year’s theme is “Marked.” This is unquestionably a timely word to our Apostolic students. Every day when they step on their high school or college campuses, they are facing the challenge to blend in with the masses or distinguish themselves and stand out by being marked.

From beginning to end, Marked will help your students discover or recommit to their Apostolic identity. Students will be taught the following lessons: Get On Your Mark; Marked By The Name; Marked With Purpose; Marked For Ministry; and finally, Make Your Mark.

The lessons are now available in a downloadable format with graphics for marketing and advertising. Your preferred use of 2014 Youth Week materials includes some Power Point files as well. (Don’t worry, Mac users; Keynote will handle them just fine)!

Save yourself some time right now, and visit generalyouthdivision.com/downloads/category/youthweek to download this valuable resource.

Roemer, Nate
Nate first experienced youth ministry in the summer of 1996. Over the next several years, he volunteered in a variety of ways in his local church. In 2001, he accepted his first full time position as a student pastor and has continued in that role ever since. He is fortunate to be married to his best friend, Sarah, and with her help is attempting to raise Olivia, Nicholas, and Ava.

Nate and Sarah’s desire is for their children to not only view them as their parents, but also as their best friends! In 2004 the Roemers moved to FAC Aurora and have been a part of the team ever since! Nate serves the church in a variety of different capacities (primarily as director of student ministries), and is committed to fulfilling the church’s mission of “honoring God and impacting people.”


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