We Had to Ask: Scotty Slaydon

Posted by: in Interviews, We Had to Ask on February 18th

InsideOut: Where were you born and raised?

Scotty Slaydon: Born in Lake Charles, LA and raised in Lafayette, LA.

IO: Did you go to Bible College?

Scotty Slaydon: Yes, Jackson College of Ministries, but I don’t sing. J

IO: Did you go to Secular College?

Scotty Slaydon: Some—when I was ten I did one semester at the University of Louisiana Lafayette in their special summer program.

IO: Tell us about your family?

Scotty Slaydon: My wife’s name is Krista, and she is from Elyria, OH. My wife is very creative and artistic with music, painting and drawing; she also likes to target shoot and go camping. My daughter’s name is Abigail, and she was born in Chicago, IL. We were blessed to adopt her at birth. She plays the piano and likes gymnastics, Super Mario (Wii), fishing and camping.

IO: What is your favorite food?

Scotty Slaydon: Gumbo.

IO: If you could have dinner with one person that is alive today and that you have never met, who would it be?

Scotty Slaydon: Rush Limbaugh.

IO: Who is your historical hero?

Scotty Slaydon: George Washington.

IO: Do you have a hobby?

Scotty Slaydon: Shooting and hunting.

IO: What is your favorite book?

Scotty Slaydon: White Guilt (Shelby Steele).

IO: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Scotty Slaydon: El Salvador.

IO: If someone wrote a biography of your life, what would be the title?

Scotty Slaydon: A Common Man.

IO: Has there ever been a time when you felt like you didn’t know God’s will?

Scotty Slaydon: There have been many times; and even when I was completely sure of God’s will, there were still moments of doubt. When you hold fast to what you know in God through those doubts it simply makes you stronger in Him.

IO: Today’s youth are dealing with issues that no other generation has had to face; what do they need to survive?

Scotty Slaydon: 1. Consistency—in their relationship with God, in their relationships with others. Developing consistent spiritual habits is key to living successfully for God. Be real with God and those around you and develop genuine friendships with people; don’t simply make acquaintances. 2. Confidence—in knowing who they are in Christ. This confidence will help them achieve whatever God has asked them to do and allow them to overcome any obstacles put in their way.

IO: When did you first know you were called to become a missionary?

Scotty Slaydon: When I was seventeen I felt God directing me to the mission field.

IO: Is it what you imagined?

Scotty Slaydon: It has been an incredible journey and is better than I ever imagined.

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