We Had To Ask- Sammy Sherrill

Posted by: in We Had to Ask on November 9th

Inside Out: Beginning on a personal note, where were you born and raised?

Sammy Sherrill: I was born and raised in Hatton, AL.

IO: Did you go to College? And, if so, when and where?

SS: I went to Wallace State in Cullman, AL. I graduated in 1995. I also went to the Philippines on the AIM program in 1997. It wasn’t college, but I sure did learn from that experience.

IO: Do you work a secular job outside of ministry? If so, where, and how does that affect your ministry?

SS: No. I am a full-time evangelist.

IO: Tell us about your family?

SS: I met my wife Tracie at Alabama youth camp. We have been married 10 years. We have two boys, Micah (7) and Seth (5). They both want to be preachers.

IO: What is your favorite food?

SS: Japanese

IO: If you could have dinner with one person that is alive today and that you have never met, who would it be?

SS: Benjamin Netanyahu. If he is not available, I guess the president would do.

IO: Who is your historical hero?

SS: Ronald Reagan

IO: Do you have a hobby?

SS: I don’t know if you would call it a hobby, but I have a fascination with old cars. I enjoy looking at them and reading about them.

IO: What is your favorite book?

SS: For Preachers Only by J. T. Pugh

IO: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

SS: North Alabama

IO: If someone wrote a biography of your life, what would be the title?


IO: Today’s youth are dealing with issues that no other generation has had to face; what do they need to survive?

SS: This generation has an information overload. Too much information is harmful and produces skepticism; and skepticism breeds doubt. I believe this generation has to have a renewed faith in God’s Word to survive.

IO: When did you first know you were called to preach?

SS: I always wanted to be a preacher, and I think that desire blended with God’s calling on my life. So I really can’t put a finger on it.

IO: Is it what you imagined?

SS: More than I ever imagined!

IO: What are some of the challenges to becoming a minister?

SS: Balancing your family with your ministry, being submitted, and taking things slow can be a challenge when you are first starting out.

IO: What do you think about your position as Alabama Youth President?

SS: It has been an honor to serve as Youth President of Alabama. Our youth committee works very hard, so that makes my job easy. It also helps when you have the best young people in the country.

IO: What would you say to a teenager that wants to become a district youth president?

SS: Go for it!

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